KIM SOLI posted an update 8 years, 2 months ago
…..With artist, whom derived from the ANDERSON PONTY BAND, Axeman, JAMIE GLASER had decided to CREATE A CHRISTMAS ALBUM, that will KEEP ON GIVING, with ROCK, JAZZ, & WORLD FUSION!
…..Here’s his story behind his album, “ DEAR SANTA. “
….. “ One day I walked into a pet shop and saw a salesperson trying to catch what looked like a chinchilla with a net!! I ran as fast as I could to stop her and I said STOP!! She told me the chinchilla was crazy. “
…..“ She continued, ‘ Someone threw the chinchilla through the front doors and ran away. ‘ I couldn’t believe my ears!! I told them, ‘ I would take him, ‘ and they said, ‘ PLEASE TAKE HIM, we don’t want him…..’ We’ll give you the chinchilla for 60 bucks. ‘
…..“ I took Pedro home and after examination, noticed his eyes had stuff all over them. I ran to the vet. Pedro had 2 eye infections, pink eye, ulcers in his eyes and his stomach and more and the bill was $500 dollars. “
…..” For one year till he passed away on my birthday, I hand fed him, took care of him and loved him so very much.”
…..” A month before he died, it was Christmas, and I decided to take a song my father wrote called ‘ DEAR SANTA, ‘ which was about soldiers and their families during the Vietnam war and change it to talk about animals ,so many animals as well as human children who
need family, want family, and the love a family can provide. ““ ‘ DEAR SANTA, ‘ is the title track of my Christmas album, and I am very proud to sing it for you. “
“ You can get ‘ DEAR SANTA, ‘ at http://www.gotocyberschool.com/santa.html
and I will autograph and personalize for you by request. Twenty percent of all purchases goes to the ASPCA. “Thank you.
<3 Jamie
….Here’s a video of his rendition of “ DEAR SANTA. “ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-faGhU2nZs