Gerd’s 2018 album, ‘SubTerraMachIneA’, is quite different indeed to ‘Journey’. Here he took some five years on the three tracks (again two are lengthy while one is “only” 12 minutes), which has allowed him to produce an album with far more in the way of layers. Whereas on the other he played mostly keyboards with just some guitar overdub, here he has been able to provide piano, different guitars and bass, as well as the sequencers. Consequently, it is musically far removed from the other album I have heard, and indeed “The Tree” is more reminiscent of Mike Oldfield than Tangerine Dream. Here he combines multi-layered piano and bass guitar to create something which is minimalistic, simple, and modern classical with disconcerting edges which makes the listener to think. The acoustic guitar plays its part by providing melody and a rhythm far removed from the syncopation and staccato elements taking place in the forefront.

Overall, this is a far more diverse and experimental piece of work, with electric guitar making its presence felt (and even some feedback) when the time is right to change the dynamics. This is the album where I feel newcomers to his work may find it both more interesting and enjoyable and a good way of discovering his music. It is obvious that Gerd is strong both on keyboards and guitars, and this comes through much more on this release which feels more accomplished because of that. All his works are readily accessible on Bandcamp and he is worth seeking out.  
7/10 Kev Rowland

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