We’re thrilled to announce that legendary Italian progressive rock band Premiata Forneria Marconi, also known as PFM, have been signed for the 2018 edition of the Rites of Spring festival. They are obviously signed as headliners and will be the band that concludes the festival on Sunday, May 6th.

PFM was formed in 1970 and they released several albums in that decade that are considered classics and cornerstones of symphonic progressive rock in Italian and English. While later albums were met with less of a universal acclaim, the studio albums they have released in recent years have by and large been met with positive reactions from fans and reviewers alike. What has been well maintained all along are the qualities they have as a live band: A concert with PFM has always been an engaging and rewarding experience and many of their live albums are as highly regarded as their most popular studio productions.

The current incarnation of PFM consists of Franz di Cioccio (vocals, drums), Patrick Djivas (bass), Lucio Fabbri (violin, keyboards, guitars), Alessandro Scaglione (keyboards, Hammond, Moog), Marco Sfogli (guitars), Roberto Gualdi (drums) and Alberto Bravin (vocals, keyboards). We know that we are not alone in counting the days until we can see them perform live at ROSfest 2018.

PFM Rosfest http://rosfest.com/2018-artists/pfm-premiata-forneria-marconi/
PFM Official http://www.pfmworld.com
PFM FaceBook – https://www.facebook.com/premiataforneriamarconiofficial/

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