To celebrate their 25th anniversary, Solitary went back into the studio to re-record three of their older numbers, “Requiem”, “Within Temptation” and “Keep Your Enemies Closer” and also used two songs recorded at the Camden Underworld, namely “Architects Of Shame” and “The Diseased Heart Of Society”. There aren’t many metal bands who can say they have been ploughing the same musical furrow for this many years, but Solitary are and always have been a British thrash act heavily influenced by what has been going on in America. Interestingly, there are few influences from the Big 4, although there are some elements of Megadeth here and there, but primarily these guys are huge Testament fans and boy does it show. Play “Requiem” and apart from the drumming one could imagine this was a long-lost number from Billy and the boys.
Overall this is a great little release, but it is let down somewhat by the drum production which is far too much to the fore. When the cymbals are louder than the guitars then one can say there is an issue. But fans of the band will undoubtedly lap this up and it certainly has me intrigued to hear more from them.
7/10 Kev Rowland