Eyevory Inphantasia Tour 2016/2017


Eyevory is a progressive folk rock band from Bremen, Germany.

The Music is a colorful mixture, combining joyful flute melodies, two outstanding female voices and catchy hooks with hard rocking guitar riffs and complex instrumental. If one wanted to categorize the music of Eyevory, the term progressive rock would be the first that would come to mind. But it also incorporates many other influences such as folk, classical, pop and hard rock. To sum it up: a total work of Art without boundaries and barriers.

The bands new album Inphantasia will be released October 21, 2016  is now available for pre-order

[bandcamp width=400 height=120 album=2589810654 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]


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