Originally, the plan by Kristoffer Gildenlöw (Kayak, Pain of Salvation, Neal Morse) was to record a song to raise money for Bikers Against Child Abuse, something he’d done before for other charities. However, the project gathered steam, and eventually Breaking The Chains themselves became a registered foundation. Everyone involved with the project donates their time free of charge, and all profits directly go to the Dutch arm of B.A.C.A. BTC charity. More than 40 Dutch singers and musicians took part, and instead of just a single song, there is now a full album of original material. To put this all under one musical banner, so to speak, would probably be melodic hard rock, but there are some that could be included as prog metal, melodic metal etc. Considering that it contains so many players it isn’t surprising that it doesn’t really come across as a single entity, but it is joined by the intent and the quality of what is on display.

My favorite song is “Believe In Me”, with classy soaring female vocals with a melodic metallic background that is forceful, powerful and damn fine. It has hooks a plenty, and is one of those numbers where it is easy to just put it on repeat let it go for hours. Below is a list of all those involved, and given that some of those acts are very profile indeed let’s hope that it creates enough to generate serious sales and raise money for an incredibly worthwhile cause. If you enjoy melodic rock/metal then there is plenty of different styles here for you to enjoy, and even if you decided you didn’t like a single song (which I can’t believe) you will have still donated to charity, so what is there to lose? http://www.breakingthechains.nl

Bart Hennephof (Textures), Peter Strykes (LA The Voices, Vandenberg), Ruud Jolie (Within Temptation, For All We Know), Robby Valentine, Mike Coolen (Within Temptation), Adrian Vandenberg (Vandenberg, Whitesnake, Moonkings), Joe Tal (Textures), Ton Scherpenzeel (Kayak), Timo Somers (Delain), Ed Warby (VUUR, Hail of Bullets, The Gentle Storm), Robert Soeterboek (Wicked Sensation, Highway Chile), Ian Parry (Consortium Project), John JayCee Cuijpers (Praying Mantis), Johan van Stratum (VUUR, Stream of Passion), Wudstik (For All We Know, Ayreon), Frank Schiphorst (MaYaN, My Propane), Marjan Welman (Autumn, Vetrar Draugurinn), Margriet Mol (Asrai), Jan Willem Ketelaers (Ayreon, Classics Rock Show), Eric Hazebroek (Stream of Passion, Vetrar Draugurinn), Rick Bouwman (Martyr), Martin van der Meyde (4Eigner), Jan Bechtum (Picture), Karin Mol (Asrai), Arno te Loo (4Eigner), Sebas & Petra Honing (Equisa), Dirk Bruinenberg (Elegy, Place Vendome), Ivar de Graaf (Kingfisher Sky), Jan Bijlsma (Vengeance, The Last Element) ,  Peter Vink (Knight Area), Manon van der Hidde (Asrai), Ben Mathot (Ayreon), Anne Bakker (Blaze Bayley), Maaike Peterse (Kovacs, Kingfisher Sky), Jeroen Goossens (Ayreon), Marieke Bresseleers (Circle Unbroken),  Harry den Hartog (Alanis) & Collin Leijenaar (Kayak, Neal Morse). Dutch rockers against child abuse.

8/10 – Kev Rowland

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