OrlandoBands.com and The Local Music Guild proudly present the 2020 Sanford Music Festival March 7 at the West End Trading Co. in Sanford Florida! Partnered with Ladies 327 Supperclub.

Visit www.SanfordMusicFest.com for tickets and details on how to Vend / Perform and Sponsor the event.

Four performance areas with outdoor stages. Food trucks and a wide variety of vendors! Presale tickets are $10 in advance, $15 day of show. Free parking available around the town.

Age Restrictions
The outdoor performance / Festival areas are all ages. Inside the venue (West End Trading Co.) no kids 13 and under after 9 PM. Children 14-17 years old are allowed in the venue after 9:00 PM only if accompanied by an adult.

Performances by
John Lazar www.johnlazar.net
Sir Altitude http://facebook.com/siraltitudeband
The Barry Myers Band www.barrymyersmusic.com
Old School Revolution oldschoolrevolutionband.com
Alt-X https://facebook.com/AltXBand/
Mulligan www.facebook.com/MulliganFL
Grindstone Sinners https://grindstonesinners.wixsite.com/presskit
Traversing Infinity https://www.facebook.com/traversinginfinity/
NU3VO www.nu3vo.com
School of Rock www.SchoolOfRock.com
Boomershine facebook.com/Boomershinemusic/
The Goodleis https://www.facebook.com/The-Goodleis-2277506805660311/
Jupiter Groove http://www.jupitergrooveband.com/
The Trees of Life www.facebook.com/smoofandtol
PLATE www.centropymusic.net
The Flannelz https://www.facebook.com/FlannelzBand
Voyd Eternal https://www.facebook.com/VoydEternal/
Public Image Facebook.com/publicimageofficial
Pieces Left www.facebook.com/piecesleft
Dead Show Dealers https://www.facebook.com/thedeadshowdealers/
Wolves at Your Door https://www.facebook.com/WolvesAtYourDoorOfficial/
Devils Target https://www.facebook.com/DevilsTargetOfficial/
SLYD www.SLYD.net
Ashes of Elysium https://www.facebook.com/groups/599128474235645/
Joel Tyler https://www.facebook.com/joeltylerfl/
Mike Adkins https://www.facebook.com/mike.adkins.129
LeeZ Rocks https://www.facebook.com/zalnoskisings/
JDMuzak https://www.facebook.com/john.d.henderson.39
Jon Carp ww.joncarp.com
Southern Theory https://www.facebook.com/SouthernTheroyMusic/
Duke Moon and the Phase https://www.facebook.com/moonflswamptrash/
Futuristic Diner Www.futuristicdiner.com

Local Music Guild www.LocalMusicGuild.com
Ladies 327 Supperclub www.Facebook.com/ladiesof327supperclub
BandBling www.Facebook.com/BandBling-640991989696067/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Mike Kara Radio Show – Eye on Central Florida www.MikeKara.com
Ron Howland Productions www.RonHowlandProductions.com
The Travel Superhero www.TheTravelSuperHero.com
EL CAMINO School of Music, Repair & Technology www.ElCaminoSchool.com
School of Rock www.SchoolOfRock.com
BUD 94.1 www.Facebook.com/Bud941Rocks/
103.1 The Wolf www.Facebook.com/1031thewolforlando/


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