Argentinan composer and progressive rock / symphonic soundscape artist Andres Guazzelli has released his first ep on October 31st, 2020 the last day of National ADHD Awareness Month. Atypical is a 20-minute musical journey of a man who has come to terms with the battle of ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) A chronic condition including attention difficulty, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. ADHD often begins in childhood and can persist into adulthood. It may contribute to low self-esteem, troubled relationships, and difficulty at school or work. Symptoms include limited attention and hyperactivity. Treatments include medication and talk therapy.

“Making an album amidst a pandemic is hard. Making an album amidst a pandemic while having ADHD is harder. Making an album ABOUT ADHD amidst a pandemic while having ADHD was one of the toughest yet most gratifying things I’ve done. 

I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 12. That was almost 24 years ago. I had 24 years to come to terms with the diagnosis. Back in the 90s, ADHD was incredibly poorly understood. Today, things have gotten better, but we still have a long way to go. 

ADHD is real. Millions of people worldwide struggle with the disorder. Most of them, unaware of their condition, struggle in silence, not knowing what’s happening to them, not knowing why everything is so hard. This album was made for them, so they can identify and feel represented. This album was made for their family, so they can understand their loved ones better.

This album was also made for EVERYONE ELSE, so the general population can get a better glimpse of what we ADHDers experience and how we perceive the world around us, and how our particular brain works. 

October is ADHD Awareness Month. Let’s do our part to raise awareness about the condition. I tried my best to put my symptoms into music. 

ADHD is a part of who I am. It does not define me, but it is a part of me. Sometimes it’s a pain in the ass, but sometimes it is a superpower. Accept it, embrace it. We are a tribe. You are not alone. 

I am proud to call myself Atypical.”

After going public about his ADHD diagnosis in his blog entry “Living With ADHD“, Andres Guazzelli announced the release of a brand new album, “Atypical” to aid treatment for the disorder and donate its profits to ADHD charities.

Atypical“, conceptually conceived as “A Day Inside An ADHD Brain“, conveys the disorder’s symptoms into musical pieces: inattentiveness, impulsiveness, hyperfocus, excessive mental and motor activity, restlessness, sensory overload, and others.

ADHD is poorly understood by the general population, and the album’s ultimate goal is to raise awareness and understanding of how the ADHD brain works, how it processes random thoughts and how it perceives its surroundings.

The album features six tracks, each one portraying a symptom of the disorder. The first four named after the acronym of ADHDAttentionDeficitHyperactivity and Disorder. The following two are named Hyperfocus and Neurodiverse.

Progressive in nature, “Atypical” dances between genres, textures, odd time signatures, atonal synths, sweet lullabies, sound design and overall controlled chaos.

Since his public outing and as a highly functional ADHD adult, Andres has become a local spokesperson for the disorder and its struggle, while raising understanding and comfort for ADHD parents.

Once the expenses of his own ADHD treatment are covered, all album profits will be donated to different charities and organizations and who raise awareness and do research about ADHD.

The Album, explained:

● 1  Attention: Short attention span, distractability, frequently switching from one activity to another.
● 2  Deficit: Those periods of calm between bouts of hyperactivity or hyperfocus.
● 3  Hyperactivity: Excessive mental and motor activity, restlessness. May be physical, verbal, and/or emotional.
● 4  Disorder: Sensory overload (the overstimulation of one or more of the body’s five senses), and the interpretation or fixation on patterns that may or may not exist, and if they do exist, may or may not be intentional.
● 5  Hyperfocus: the ability to focus so intensely on a single element while blocking everything else.
● 6  Neurodiverse: A day inside an ADHD brain: all symptoms together, combined and or/layered.

Album credits:

●  Andres Guazzelli: piano, keyboards, synthesizers and programming.
●  Nacho Sosa: bass and electric guitars.
●  Nahuel Arrúa: electric guitars .
●  Federico Tarquinielectric guitars.
●  German Desia: bass.
●  Mauro Romero: bass.
●  Jack Dimensions: clavinet and Rhodes piano.

Additional guitars courtesy of LenoxBeatmakerRokz BeatzSushilbawa, PureTones, Minor2Gomileslucre, MXMUHD, Olai and BassT.

Music by Andres Guazzelli
Recorded at REDRUMEstudios DCIEstudio Aléa, Estudios Rotar (Mar del Plata, Argentina), and Habitación Espacial USA, Carolina, Puerto Rico.
Mixed by Andres Guazzelli at REDRUM, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
Mastered by Fernando Richard at Genoma Mastering, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Produced by Andres Guazzelli.

Artwork by Maite Suarez, Mar del Plata, Argentina.

Attention – Track 1 of 6

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