SA Rock ……..

Its amazing how we are still able to find hidden avenues that lead to varying styles of rock. We give them names to identify with etc and i’m finding many young bands are going back to the classic rock and early prog style music that came out with YES, King Crimson, Floyd, ELP , Rush and others and with this in mind they blending in new styles of alternative and metal energies to it all and still rock evolves because of it.  We as REASON MACHINE will have our style of original prog as it developes with the varying input from the band and we look forward to seeing what is borne from it. There is a great young prog/instrumental band in S Africa calle New Earth who are busy recording right now and i just hope the usual restricting or limiting opportunities and outlets here for any rock dont put an end to them.  Rock is marginalised here in SA and its the core of rock muso’s who try so damn hard to keep it alive, no matter what form it takes.  May the web be the outlet for us all in rock and get the music shared to the world……

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