Brian May and Kerry Ellis today announced with great regret the indefinite postponement of their December concert dates in the UK. May and Ellis were set to perform 11 ‘Candlelight Concerts’ in the three weeks leading up to Christmas. Apologizing to fans through a personal message posted on his official website, ( Queen’s Brian May explains that he is fighting ‘a persistent illness which is destroying my energy and my will’, and doesn’t feel confident to perform the shows to the standard expected.


May comments: “I’m gutted to have to pull out – I hate letting our loyal fans down. But the advice I have had is that I must take time off to heal, rather than go out on tour again and risk falling down on the job, which would be much worse.”

Kerry Ellis comments: “Brian is a dear friend of mine and obviously his health must come first. I was so looking forward to touring the UK again with Brian. I know so many of you had bought tickets for an early Christmas treat, and I am truly sorry that we are letting so many of you down. But we will be back next year for sure, with new music for you all to hear.”

A consolation for disappointed fans is a newly recorded studio album from May and Ellis, titled ‘Anthems II’, which is scheduled for release in March.

All tickets already purchased are fully refundable at point of purchase.

Brian’s full Soapbox message can be found at:

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