Captain Of The Lost Waves releases his third video Animals On An Island from Hidden Gems Chapter 3 – Mysterium Tremendum

The video was filmed on location of the majestic wilderness of Pule Hill in the wild wild west of Yorkshire. In trying to mirror the ethos of the song, “I trust the sense of beautiful desolation and space evokes the same feeling we had in making this.”
– The Captain

Special thanks to James Reid for his work in filming and editing it together.

Written by the Captain (Shaun T Hunter ) 
Incidental Music by Damian Clark, Julian Socha 
Edited, Engineered and Mixed by James Reid 
Produced by Shaun T Hunter and Damian Clark 
Mastered by Joe Caithness at Subsequent Mastering 
Captain voices, bouzouki, mandolin, guitar 
Damian Clark keyboards, synths, drum programming 
Aid Todd drums, percussion, programming, bass guitar 
Wendy Ross acoustic and electric violins 
James Reid trumpets, electric guitar 
Julian Socha electric guitar 
Damian Clark, Marcus Jack design/artwork 
Neal Rylatt photo

About Captain Of The Lost Waves

The Captain is a troubadour, storyteller and free thinking renegade.  His musical offerings are inspired by the great songwriters and philosophers of yesteryear.  This is visceral music for the mind and body, full of dreamy verses, life affirming choruses and sheer audacity. Where melodic invention meets alternative folk, progressive, world and ambient sounds.

He is not just the figurehead of his musical vessel, he’s ringmaster, bard, master of ceremonies and sage. There’s far more to him and his absurdly engaging world than any of your ten – a – penny musical stars. Seen through showers of glitter, kaleidoscopic lens flares and in the rainbows of a million puddles. The Captain tells sonic stories to connect with everyone past, present and future.   

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