Hello Unitopians,


Finally, after the long wait and some hard work on our part, we have some great news! This journey with Covered mirror has been a rather difficult one.  We needed to find the best way to promote and distribute it.  Meanwhile some of us had to deal with illness or personal issues as you already know. We were as eager to release it as you were to get your hands on it. 


Musea Records and Bird’s Robe Records


We are now proud to announce that Musea Records from France will produce and distribute Covered Mirror for us all over Europe, Japan and USA and will also distribute One night in Europe.  Musea was founded November 1985 and has done nothing but grow to a very successful and respectable Label.  We are proud to be a part of the Musea family!   Bird’s Robe Records will take care of the Australian distribution for both items as well.  This young and dynamic Australian Label was behind our last Australian tour and we are excited to be working with them again.


You will also be able to get your copy of Covered mirror from us through our website. 


Covered Mirror release date


Covered Mirror release date is October 31st in Europe, Japan and North America and December 1st in Australia.


Pre sale on our website starts Monday September 24th and will end Saturday October 13th. Price during pre sale will be 17.50$ AUD (14 Euros) + shipping. You will also get access to special bonus tracks for free. After October 13th, you will pay 20$ (16Euros) for your copy of Covered and you will still be able to get the bonus tracks for .99 cent each.




To get your copy of Covered mirror after the release dates please go to:


Musea Records: www.musearecords.com

Bird’s Robe Records: www.birdsrobe.com

Or our website, www.unitopiamusic.com



Roll over songs


Soon, we will also have a new thing on the website called the Roll over songs.  This will allow you to listen to bits of upcoming projects as they are developing.  We are very excited to be able to provide this for you wonderful fans.  We will let you know as soon as this application will be available on our website.


Unitopia Channel on Youtube.


We have started a new Unitopia Channel on YouTube.  To launch the new channel we will have a special new promotional Video.  Watch out for this on September 21st!


We hope that you are as excited as we are about all these news and that you will enjoy Covered Mirror as much as we enjoyed making it.


Thanks for your legendary patience with us.  We are doing the best we can to provide great music and make it as easy as we can for you to get access to it.


Mark, Sean and Patsy