
I have some exciting news to share! The Kickstarter campaign for my next studio album “Static” has just begun! Listen to the first audio previews and hear what I have to say about it in the new video. This campaign is only running for 30 days this time and there are many exclusive items you can only get by being a backer! The new backers who join in the next 72 hours will receive a FREE HIGH QUALITY DOWNLOAD of my new song “Paranoia” from my sophomore solo album “Static”. Check it out and please share everywhere you can! Thanks! – Squids.

About This Project

I’ve always loved rock concept albums from bands like Pink Floyd, Genesis and The Who. In a time when some people seem to think only free streaming single songs are of interest, I join the many independent artists who want to keep the art of the rock album alive. If you cherish the times you’ve purchased a new album on CD or Vinyl and indulged in the music, lyrics, images and liner notes as I have, then, I think you can appreciate what my mission is. I believe in not only making albums the length of classic rock records but, with today’s technology, it’s possible to make them longer… and I can’t resist filling up a CD with music!

The overall concept is about navigating past the increased noise or static in modern life whether it’s the barrage of conflicting information from television or social media or from the distraction of modern technology like cell phones and computers to the utter chaos of politics, the stress of money, the challenges of relationships or the cluttered thoughts in our head. Each song deals with a different type of “static interference” that appears in the various corners of our minds.

My main collaborator on New World was Fernando Perdomo who played a majority of the guitar and bass on the album. Fernando is returning to participate heavily in “Static” as well. In addition, I’m pleased to include many of the musicians who performed with me for “New World Live” tour such as Durga & Lorelei McBroom, Randy McStine, Derek Cintron, Stuart Fletcher, Alex Cromarty and more. I may have some surprise special guests from famous bands on “Static” as well but I’m not planning on going as far with that as I did on New World.

Kickstarter Link
