It is with deep regret and disappointment that I have to announce that I am unable to appear on the ‘Cruise to the Edge’ shows.
A family crisis occurred last week which has necessitated me remaining at home to deal with what are ongoing problems.
The situation is complicated and I can’t elaborate further as they are private family matters but I can say they are too serious to contemplate being away from home for any length of time and especially out of the country. My wife and family need my close support just now and it ’s imperative I am here with them.
This has all come as a great shock to me but I have been left with no other option but to cancel my appearance. I can only apologize to those people who were anticipating our performances and both my band and I are distraught at having to pull out at such a late stage having spent so much time and energy making our own arrangements for the trip.
The decision was agonizing to make but circumstances are out of my control and I have to focus on what is important in my life. My family must always take precedence.
Once again I am so sorry to let people down so late in the day and I can only hope that I get a chance to make it up to you another time,
Yours sincerely
Fish has been busy promoting his latest release A Parley With Angels, watch (Lyric Video) video Man With A Stick here