Nights and Days Released 

Today is launch day for London based cross-over prog band Halo and their debut release, EP “Nights and Days. The six song, and one multi – media presentation mini-album is 40 minutes in total and consists of both audio and visual entertainment.

The songs themselves are a set of stories for the listener to journey into, and the music covers the many influences of the band members themselves. “It’s rock, its prog, it’s a bit of everything says lead guitarist, Robert Furman. We have tried to capture a little bit of everybody in this our first recording for Melodic Revolution Records in America. Our first album, which we will be recording shortly, will be more rock/progressive influenced, but there will be the odd surprise!”

The London boys will be in action tonight (26th September 2012) at Camden Rock’s – Club fabulous where they will do a live performance of the EP. “It’s going to be a fantastic evening in the capital, our musical home” explains Bassist, Ashley Turner. “We are expecting many friends and family members to be in the audience, so we are really really looking forward to this evening!”

If you want to catch the Boys in action or more importantly, get a copy of the EP, full information can be found on the Bands new online store on their website

We look forward to seeing you, as well of course as taking you on the same journey!

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