
Firstly a short video from Brett Wilde featuring Lifesigns photos and artwork. The studio version of this track ‘Impossible’ will be on the new CD Cardington.

Watch Video Here

It’s still hard to believe how far the band has come in a few short years, from local pubs to playing to nearly 50,000 people over the summer. Supporting Marillion in Germany through to festivals at Lorelei, Ramblin Man and Cropredy. A great deal of this is thanks to you our friends and supporters and the wonderful PledgeMusic. We have little or no press and radio so word of mouth is everything.

Cardington will be the next stage in our growth.Cardington is the title track but this is not a concept CD just a concept track about some Sheds in Bedfordshire! We think those of you who joined with us in funding the live DVD/CD package (Under the Bridge) will know our commitment to quality. The music Lifesigns creates is both progressive and popular. It can be complex or simple but hopefully always melodic and uplifting. Thank you for all the Telephone boxes…. we look forward to the Airships.

Lifesigns Live:
John Young (keys & vocals)
Jon Poole (bass & vocals)
Frosty Beedle (drums & perc)
Steve Rispin (engineering and production) plus a special guest on guitar.

Previous Members:
Niko Tsonev (guitars) 2013-2016 Lifesigns the CD (featured) John, Frosty, Steve and the masterful Nick Beggs (bass, chapman stick & vocals) Guests: Robin Boult (main guitars) Steve Hackett (guitars) Jakko Jakszyk (guitars) Thijs Van Leer (flutes)

Lifesigns – Live in London – Under The Bridge – (DVD/CD) Released October 2015
Lifesigns – Self Titled (CD & Vinyl) Released February 2013

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