Mark Truey Trueack & Sean Timms (Unitopia) have linked up to form a one-off live band called U.N.I.T. dB. They are joined by Southern Empire’s Danny Lopresto (guitars, vocals) and Brody Thomas Green (drums,vocals), and Steve Unruh (flute, violin) from Resistor/The Samurai of Prog.

We hope this message finds you well. Recently, there has been some speculation regarding the status of the friendship between Mark & myself. As you may be aware, during the making of our (unfinished) album ‘Turn Left’, Mark & I had a disagreement over some issues that were dear to both our hearts. We disbanded Unitopia and we started our own projects, Mark with United Progressive Fraternity and myself with Southern Empire. Both projects have been met with great success and we are respectively very proud of them.
About 6 months ago, Mark & I had the opportunity to talk about a few things unrelated to Unitopia and we found that our respect and care for one another was still there, despite the damages of the past. Mark was extremely supportive throughout a difficult business situation that we were both involved in and this gave us hope that a rekindling of our friendship was possible.

Where does this leave Unitopia you might ask?

As of this writing, there are no plans to re-form Unitopia, but there are some exciting projects that both Mark & I are working on together. These will be announced in due course and we hope you’ll get behind them as you’ve done for every other project that we’ve been involved in.

UPF and Southern Empire are still our primary focus and there will be some very exciting announcements concerning all three bands very soon.
Thank you for your continued support of our music. It means a great deal to us and we are constantly humbled and honoured to have such a wonderful and caring fan base.

Cheers… Sean Timms & Mark Truey Trueack
Artwork by Ed Unitsky

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