The new Aeon Zen album INVERITAS is unleashed upon the world today! It’s been 5 years in the making and we’re delighted that it is released and out for everyone to hear. Give it a listen and tell us what you think!
Below are a bunch of links where you can hear it and pick up a copy:
Band website: https://www.aeonzen.com/store
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/1qJWE1ixpW8z8lcnVzCjWS?si=BSQUm19KR1uaCXqas2aW1g
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/by/album/inveritas/1458595304
Amazon: http://getbook.at/amazon-inveritas
Thanks for the support everyone, we hope you love the new album!
Aeon Zen
Rich, Andi, Alistair, Steve