Would you like to spend a week learning music composition, arranging, and audio recording with NEAL MORSE? The Radiant School is your opportunity to do just that!  Neal says: “I am super excited to have another Radiant School as it’s always a great musical adventure, as well as chance to get to know some very talented people. I am very happy to have Jerry Guidroz on board again for this one which should be better than ever! We aren’t taking that many students this year so I hope one of them is you.”
Each student will have a small space to set up their music workstations. Neal will demonstrate an example of how he composes and records. Then he will be listening to the participants and giving ideas as they compose and work together. Students will take turns coming into the tracking room with Neal and working on their music. Then we will spend some time recording some of the best music that is written. This will be determined by Neal. On the last day we will mix as much of the music as we can. (You are free to use any recordings from this class as you wish.)
When: Monday, November 4th – Friday, November 8thWhere: Radiant Studios in Cross Plains, TN
Click here for more information on pricing and logistics.
SPACE IS EXTREMELY LIMITED! We are only accepting a small number of students, so secure your spot today.

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