Hi Everyone, we’re now 6 gigs into the Paul and Dave’s ‘Excellent Adventure’ tour here in the USA/Canada, with my friend and one of the most incredible guitarists on the planet, Paul Bielatowicz. The mix of house concerts and small venues is proving an adventure indeed and we’ve met some fantastic people on the way so far. Our mix of Classical, Celtic, Rock, Improvisation along with Classic and Contemporary Film is proving to be very popular. And….news just in!!…we have a new date added to the tour!!! We’ve just been confirmed to play at ProgStock Festival in New Jersey on 12th October!!

This is held at the Union County Performing Arts Center (or UCPAC) theatre located at 1601 Irving Street, Rahway, New Jersey 07065. It’s possible to purchase day tickets for the festival, which also features the amazing Brand X playing just before us! Contact (252) 402-5395 or attendees@progstock.com

As our publicity blurb says; “UK guitarist Paul Bielatowicz and multi-instrumentalist Dave Bainbridge are best known for their virtuoso work with some of the biggest names in progressive rock. Collectively they’ve played, recorded and toured the world with Carl Palmer (ELP), The Strawbs, Neal Morse, Lifesigns, YES, Jack Bruce, Dream Theater, Iona & Asia…Join them for their “Excellent Adventure” tour, as they take you on a multi-media, multi-instrumental and multi-talented journey of music from their respective careers, including a selection of live scores performed to film.This promises to be an evening not to be missed.”

Here are the remaining public dates. Follow the link below for ticket info. 
Best Wishes, Dave Bainbridge

September 23rd – Delaware, OH,

September 24th – Columbus, OH,

September 25th – Sarnia, ON, Canada,

September 26th – Harsens Island, MI,

September 28th – Portage Lakes, OH,

September 29th – Baltimore, MD,

October 2nd – Honesdale, PA,

October 4th – Falmouth, MA,

October 5th – Brookline, NH,

October 8th – Fall River, MA

October 12th – Progstock Festival, Rahway, NJ

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