Phoebe Legere’s MAMA is a great song that pays tribute to her Mother.  She reflects on how she learned to appreciate her mother, who is no longer with us.  The beautiful Americana song includes her gorgeous soprano and trademark accordion.

Listen to Mama here

Here is her interview w/ WHAM-Rochester TV’s Norma Holland. Stay close to for news and events:

May 30 WICN-Worcester, MA Radio 
May 31 Sunapee Coffee House, Sunapee, New Hampshire 
June 6  Gulu Gulu, Salem, MA
June 7  WOMR Radio-Provincetown, MA
June 8  Brick House Concerts, Orleans, MA 
June 23 East Rock Concert Series in New Haven, CT
July 5 Saugerties Sunset Series, Saugerties, NY
July TBA Bryant Park Accordion Festival 
August 17 Legere Reunion, Congres Mondial Acadien! 
July 19 The Ladybug Festival, Wilmington, DE
August 20 Frantastic Festival of Experimental & Improvised Music! Auburn, Maine 
August 25  Coal Shed Festival, Nova Scotia, Canada
September 15  House Concert, Worcester, MA
September 21 TBA: Bangor, ME
October 25  House Concert @ Drews, Ringwood, NJ  
October 27: Ardmore, PA, TBA
January 27, 2020: Jamestown, NY

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