PÄR LINDH Solo Performance!

PÄR LINDH was scheduled to perform a special solo piano performance at ProgDay 2017. Unfortunately, travel issues prevented him from making the show. We’re happy to invite him back to ProgDay 2018.

PÄR LINDH’s musical career stretches back to 1977 when he formed Antenna Baroque. In 1979 he founded the symphonic trio Vincebus Ereptum. But with the changing musical times, he spent his following years as organist, classical pianist, harpsichordist, and drummer. While successful, he missed the calling of progressive rock.

Beginning with his return to Sweden in 1989, he resurrected his early symphonic spirit with a band called Manticore, built the Crimsonian Label studio, and chaired The Swedish Art Rock Society. In 1994 he released the first Pär Lindh Project album, Gothic Impressions. The rest, as they say, is history.

PÄR LINDH has a long-established reputation as a composer, master keyboardist, and musical interpreter. For his ProgDay appearance, PÄR will be performing solo and paying tribute to the late Keith Emerson and Greg Lake, performing music from ELP, the Pär Lindh Project, and more.

KING LLAMA at ProgDay 2018!

Photo Credit: Lauren Elle Jaye

This California instrumental fusion power trio came together with the idea of combining eclectic stylings from the history of adventurous music. What resulted is a mix of rock, jazz, funk, fusion, and a touch of hip-hop that brings to mind a range of music from King Crimson and Phish, to Yes and Rush. The band has toured extensively, taking their music from Illinois to Argentina, and honing their sound at individual shows and numerous festivals. KING LLAMA will be performing music from their album Return To Ox.


INTERSTELLAR OVERDRIVE is committed to presenting the full Pink Floyd audio/visual experience with music spanning the band’s entire history. This year’s pre-show will feature full album performances of Animals and Dark Side Of The Moon.

Photo by Madison Rose Gumble

ProgDay attendees will remember ProgDay alumni JIMMY ROBINSON not only for his wonderful fusion band Woodenhead but also as a master guitarist known for his impressive and emotional performances on acoustic guitar. Jimmy will be opening the preshow with a 45-minute solo performance.

For more details, please visit the Preshow page (http://www.progday.net/ProgDay-Preshow.html) on the ProgDay website.


As part of the 2018 ProgDay Program, we are pleased to announce a FREE screening of a 30-minute segment of the upcoming feature documentary, Romantic Warriors 4 – Krautrock (Part 1), by Adele Schmidt and José Zegarra Holder. The screening is part of an IndieGoGo Fundraising Campaign that the filmmakers will launch in late August to raise finishing funds for the film. The screening will be followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers.

When: Saturday, September 1, 9:30 pm.
Where: Hotel Comfort Inn University Durham,
3508 Mt. Moriah Rd., Durham, NC 27707

Join PÄR LINDH, KING LLAMA, EDENSONG, OVRFWRD, GEPH, KARMIC JUGGERNAUT, ALEC K. REDFEARN & THE EYESORES, FERNANDO PERDOMO & THE OUT TO SEA BAND, PIXIE NINJA and SOFTEN THE GLARE for the twenty-fourth edition of ProgDay. ProgDay is a two day outdoor festival of progressive rock. ProgDay 2018 will take place on Saturday and Sunday, September 1st and 2nd, at Storybook Farm in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. For more information, please visit us at www.progday.net.

To hear music from this year’s bands, please visit the ProgDay Music page

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