By Kev Rowland

To describe this album I think it is probably best to listen to the words of singer Lisy Stefanoni, who says  “We love the different styles of folk music and the various approaches of the main musicians. We also love the Celtic music. In the metal genre, folk metal inspires us the most. We listen to bands like Eluveitie, In Extremo, also symphonic projects like Ayreon and The Gentle Storm. Those who love folk-metal will certainly appreciate our songs because we all come from that musical background. We take our fans on a journey to a place where myths are real and there is evidence of the magic forces of our planet. In this world, the listener can meet legendary creatures walking into enchanted landscapes or see ancient rituals happening.” This is the third album from Italy’s Shadygrove, who feature members from Elvenking, Evenoire, and Sound Storm.

They certainly don’t sound Italian but sound as if they have been listening to the likes of Iona and have grown up in the Celtic tradition. With violin, piano and flutes/whistles adding to the mix, and strong female vocals, the result is an album that anyone who has ever remotely enjoyed listening to acoustic folk will gain a great deal from. That I am hearing them for the first time, on their third album, is something of a travesty, and I can see that I am going to have to do my best to rectify that in the near future. This music is definitely right up my particular alley, but instead of being dark it is full of light and dancers. The press release states that it will be for fans of Blackmore’s Night and Loreena McKennitt, but in reality, this is for anyone who appreciates and enjoys great music coming out of the tradition.


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