Shouse – Alone on the Sun
Melodic Revolution Records

Superb Straight-Up Rock Music! The opening track, Bionic, sets the tone for the entire Award Winning Album. “GOLD WINNER – BEST OVERALL by Gods of Indie Guitar 2011” (a quote from Melodic Revolution Records website) and I can see why.  The second track, Man of Constant Sorrow, has a refreshingly unique pace and a totally Rocking beat.  It’s always a sign of a good Album to remember where each song is in the playlist and this is no different.  Song three, The Arabian, brings in cranking melodic riffs in an instrumental that I didn’t even notice was an instrumental until it was over.  The Superb Composition of this Album is highly visible in The Arabian.  The fourth track, Choices, gives us back to back anthemesque, masterfully composed instrumentals.  Shouse riffs and style are unique from other Artists so the wow factor is already in place for the fifth and title track, Alone on the Sun.  Track seven, Shock and Awe,  is a Rocking groove with fantastic melodic riffs and excellent percussion‘s.   This has been one of my favorite Albums since purchased in January and one I listen to any time of the day or night.  This is Straight-Up Rock Music with a Melodic Groove that doesn’t care about moods or which way the World is turning.  You Can Fly is no exception to the Album and leads into Death in Memphis.  Track nine, Don’t Remember Me, is an Epic Albumesque tune with a Powerful message, Superb riffs and there has to be something said for Gene Booth’s vocals which are simply put, “Off-the-Chart Superb”.   The final track, For Alex, is a change of pace from rest of the Album and melodically slower but don’t let the slow get in the way. For Alex guitar is Superb and his masterful guitar work is something to hear throughout the Album and I highly recommend this for any Rock fan.  It’s a must have Album for the library and one of the best music purchases I’ve ever made.  

by Bruce W. Waren

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