Tom Slatter releases Murder and Parliament

Hello you!

Just a little note to let you know that my new instrumental album, Murder, and Parliament, is out today.

It is twists and turns and noise, drums, and guitars and violin, beeps and bangs and crashes, lulls and roars and explosions. It is grooves and discords, dissonance and bliss. It is rock and roll and noise and melody.

It also comes in this lovely digipack thing which I happen to think looks lovely.

You can stream the whole thing at this link: Click here!

Thanks for listening.

Tom Slatter

PS. London people, here’s a last minute thing for you. Gareth and I are playing a set at Masquerade at the Boston Music rooms, Tufnell Park on Sunday afternoon. We’re on about 2 pm as part of a prog rock all-dayer. We’re a last-minute stand-in for another act who couldn’t make so not much notice, but it’ll be great. Here’s the link:

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