COLOURATURA Seeking Qualified Musicians For Live Gigs

In a posting on the bands facbook page reads;
Attention to all Wheeling area / Ohio Valley / Morgantown / Pittsburgh, etc folks. We are putting a band together to play the music of COLOURATURA live.

What we need is COMMITTED and SERIOUS players who can handle a consistent rehearsal schedule and a multitude of styles including (but not limited to) pop, rock, funk, progressive, metal, electronic and experimental music. This includes commitment to mastery of material that is in odd / changing time signatures.

Repertoire will consist of original COLOURATURA music, past, present and future, along with a variety of covers from the above genres. The idea is to be a WORKING BAND and we will be seeking paid gigs.

What we need is:

The current lineup is
Nathan James (vocals, horn, etc)
Derek Pavlic (guitar)
Christian Mikula (sax + auxiliary sounds)
Ian Beabout (sound, flute)

If this kinda life looks interesting to you, please get in contact with me by any means necessary. WE WILL HOLD AUDITIONS, so there will likely be written parts given out prior to the audition. TBA.

Ian Beabout

PS this is what we sound like.

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