Coronavirus (Covid-19) Strikes a Chord with Musicians (Part 1)

We are living in unprecedented times and crossing over uncharted waters, it’s a new world; one we may have to get accustomed to for the foreseeable future.

As of March 20th, there are a reported 255,729 Coronavirus Cases since the outbreak began in December of 2019. 10,495 have died due to the virus and 89,918 people have so far recovered from the virus, of course, these are only the documented cases and the numbers could be much worse; there is no end in sight the short term.

(Covid-19) is attacking the social and economic fabric globally and does not discriminate against race, creed, sexual orientation, political affiliation or anything else for that matter. It has ravaged and even closed down most trades and no industry has been spared, from restaurants to schools, airlines, supply chains, and the entertainment industry.

While this is devastating to all industries, I believe one of the hardest hit are musicians, some of which do not have a second job, they rely solely on tours, music and merch sales to pay the bills. Many musicians have more than one job outside of music to sustain a living however due to the layoff and closers of businesses these musicians are dealing with the same issues as full-time musicians, loss of most all income. Most musicians lack one of the most basic and fundamental needs: insurance!

So we reached out on social and asked musicians some basic questions on how they are dealing with this Pandemic?

Ember Swift ~ China

How are you adapting to the Covid-19 Pandemic?
I’m not sure a person reacts to a pandemic as much as a person has to react to the response the society has to a pandemic. The pandemic will occur whether we have a reaction or not. It will just calmly sneak through all our societies and infect some, take some, spare others, etc. The reaction from each country from the government down to community levels is what we all have to adapt to, not so much the virus itself. For me, I have gone through many different phases over the past 2 months, emotionally and psychologically. The isolation, the panic, the fear, the frustration, the eventual calm, and inward thinking, the reshuffling of personal goals, etc. This is something I just wrote about on my blog, but I’ve been chronicling the experience throughout this whole time:

What type of challenges or opportunities has this presented to you?
The opportunity to re-assess the future, really figure out what I want to accomplish when life returns to normal, analyzing my life in a more complete and detached way and then coming to some conclusions about how I want to move forward. There’s nothing like being forced into a “stall” or “pause” that can help you determine which paths to take when you’re finally able to put your foot back on the gas, so-to-speak. On a practical level, I have been studying Chinese again (hope to do my HSK Level 6, a Chinese language proficiency exam, in June), practicing guitar every day, cleaning and sorting my life, doing physical exercise and strength training in the home, and really focusing on my kids and their education–not just scholastically but as people.

Are you working on a new release?
My new album was completed late last year but still needed some finishing touches. This got seriously delayed and the originally planned-for release date was March 2020. That didn’t happen, of course, so now I’m slowly tying up loose ends but aiming for a September release. No matter what, I’m still really proud that there are some great songs in the pipe even if it takes a bit longer to release them to the world.

Are you planning on performing via a live streaming platform?
I thought of doing this in February, but during that time the rest of the world was going about life as usual and there wasn’t much of a call to do it. Now that everyone is on lockdown, I may consider it! I’ve never done a live-stream concert, but it sounds like a good challenge.

How has this affected you on a personal level?
sort of spoke about this above in how it has forced some self-reflection and re-assessment of goals/direction etc. It’s also challenged my patience and positivity, but I think I’ve become stronger for it. I would also note that pushing myself to do things on a daily basis that are good for me and trying to stick to it in a disciplined way (not that I’m always perfect because, yes, I do miss days!) has been the healthier approach to this. It’s really easy to get lost in TV series or constant media consumption when you’re stuck indoors, but I find this mind-numbing and hollowing. In the end, what’s best for me isn’t best for everyone, but this experience will show each of us, individually, what kind of life we want to life vs. the kind of life we have been living. This is invaluable information for our futures.

Will you continue creating and performing now and after the dust settles?
Nothing will ever change the fact that I’m a musician and songwriter and creator. I have gone through worse ordeals in life and, in the end, the music still anchors me and serves as my greatest outlet for inspiration and expression. I often say that music is my essential nutrient and, without it, I’d be depleted. Therefore, there’s not a single droplet of doubt that I will continue to create and perform music indefinitely… most likely until my time on this earth comes to its natural end.

Ember Swift Is a Canadian Folk Pop musician based out of Beijing, China, Ember is planning on releasing her 13th album in September 2020

For More Information About Ember Swift

Jeff Scott Soto ~ USA

photo by Ferenc Gyuricza

How are you adapting to the Covid-19 Pandemic?
Like everyone really, the worse part of it for me is the ignorance of others who could harvest and pass it to others who might not be able to survive. The other is the hoarding of everyday items we all use and need, selfish assholes in the world instead of realizing there is more than just themselves.

What type of challenges or opportunities has this presented to you?
Clearly the biggest one is not being able to tour, live shows and appearances are my life’s blood now. The business used to go hand in hand in terms of albums and sessions to royalties to touring. These days without being able to tour and play live, I just watch the past earnings dwindle at a rapid rate. It’s not so bad but upcoming shows and months of cancellations will turn into desperate times. Are you working on a new release? On several actually, I just finished my next solo album with Frontiers Records, “Wide Awake (In My Dreamland)”, I got my keyboardist/guitarist of SOTO a deal on the same label which I am co-writing and co-producing the album with my producer of the new JSS album, Alessandro Del Vecchio and we have started writing/recording the next WET album. I was stressed I had to do all of this while touring with Sons Of Apollo and my acoustic dates in May with Jason Bieler but the positive of this self-quarantine means I can do it all stress-free now.

Are you planning on performing via a live streaming platform?
At the moment no, I don’t want to pressure or stress anyone out now financially that might be tightening their belts at this time. We’re all gonna suffer from this and I personally don’t feel it’s right to ask anyone to invest in me further until we see the light at the end of the tunnel. I don’t feel I have anything to offer in terms of pay-per-view or streaming so I would rather ride it out and hope the end is sooner than later.

Are you offering your fans any incentives to help support your music?
I am pushing things here and there, again not asking them to invest money in now, more to remind them I will be returning soon, hopefully! I am trying to do my part in sharing my thoughts on staying the course, follow the advice so we can go back to normal life sooner than later. How has this affected you on a personal level? So far, not much, I am pretty much a homebody anyway, I gather with a small group of friends here and there but am actually quite content I could enjoy being at home during this time. It’s not difficult for me to hole up at home especially as I said, I am leisurely getting things I had to do without stress.

Will you continue creating and performing now and after the dust settles?
Yes, I already answered this and any postponed shows have already been rebooked for upcoming months with hopes those don’t get moved as well. That will be the worst part, everyone clamoring to rebook all of these canceled tours and shows at the same time. People will need time to get their lives back in order before they will be ready to spend as they were before this all went down. I am hoping for everything to come back orderly so we can all pick up where we left off.

Jeff Scott Soto is a Los Angeles, CA-based rock singer best known for his work with Sons of Appolo, Trans-Siberian Orchestra and Solo artist Soto is also part of many other projects.

For More Information About Jeff Scott Soto

Michel St-Pere ~ Canada

How are you adapting to the Covid-19 Pandemic?
I have been following the progression for about 3 weeks now, In Canada, they closed everything mostly and we have to stay home. Hopefully, the quick response here will keep the casualties low. In the Studio, we are always locked up anyway.

What type of challenges or opportunities has this presented to you?
The biggest challenge was to decide if we canceled the European gigs for Mystery and Huis ( end of March 2020) it was a hard decision to make, did not please everyone, but now we know we took the decision and we are glad we took it before, it was forced on everyone.

The opportunities are that we will have more time for a while to create new music, but at the same time, I think all our 2020 gigs will be canceled now.

Are you working on a new release?
Yes, both Mystery and Huis are working on new albums, both were already planned before the pandemic.

Are you planning on performing via a live streaming platform?
The band has thought about it, we were supposed to try one this weekend but we had to cancel because everything is closed in Montreal. We are looking at what we will do with that, probably offering more Live videos in the coming week.

Are you offering your fans any incentives to help support your music?
Our fans have always been really good to MYSTERY, and now I think it is important that they support their families,

How has this affected you on a personal level?
Sincerely, very scared and not optimistic for once. I hope everything will be fine but…

Will you continue creating and performing now and after the dust settles?
Of course, I am afraid traveling to other countries will become more difficult, We will see how this will change the world,

Michel St-Pere is a multi-instrumentalist Canadian founder of AOR Prog Band Mystery, a full-time member of Huis and Owner of Unicorn Digital an independent record label.

For More Information About MYSTERY

Hasse Fröberg ~ Sweden

What type of challenges or opportunities has this presented to you? 
Well we just had to cancel playing on Cruise to the Edge and two Canadian dates with The Flower Kings because of the Corona virus. As it is now I have festivals booked this summer with both HFMC and The Flower Kings. At the moment they’re happening but you never know?

Are you working on a new release?
I had decided to record with HFMC Corona or not. However, we really had to change plans with The Flower Kings, with the result we’re about to start the recording as soon as possible.

Will you continue creating and performing now and after the dust settles?
Corona will not make me stop. When this is blown over I most likely have two albums ready for release.

Hasse Fröberg is a Swedish Guitarist, composer, and vocalist for HFMC – Hasse Fröberg & Musical Companion and The Flower Kings

For More Information About HFMC – Hasse Fröberg & Musical Companion and The Flower Kings

John Young ~ UK

Photo by Martin Reijman

How are you adapting to the Covid-19 Pandemic? 
Musicians are adaptable, we are used to having to deal with the obscure … it’s harder for others I think, well again it’s about adapting, you cut your cloth according to your needs …

Are you working on a new release?
We are working on a new release hopefully for later in the year 🙂

Are you planning on performing via a live streaming platform? 
Possibly, we will look at live streaming and other options.

Will you continue creating and performing now and after the dust settles?
It obviously depends on us all getting through it …but we are always optimistic (our middle name 🙂 ) I hope everyone stays safe.

John Young is the founder, keyboardist, and songwriter for British Prog Band Lifesigns as well as a touring member and or session musician for the likes of Bonnie Tyler, the Scorpions, and Fish among others.

For More Information About John Young

Mark Trueack ~ Australia

By Ed Unitsky

How are you adapting to the Covid-19 Pandemic?
Well after the recent surgeries I thought this was the beginning of a fresh new start however this terrible virus has taken us all by surprise, being diabetic I have heart disease I am very vulnerable. I have not had the flue for over 7 years so I do have a strong immune system. I will not take any chances and will remain in lockdown until this thing is under control. I have plenty to do ie writing new music and rehearsing them.

What type of challenges or opportunities has this presented to you?
As above

Are you working on a new release?
Yes, working on songs for the second part Planetary Overload “HOPE” and my Solo album,
“The First and Last” and one other project which will be revealed later in the year

Are you planning on performing via a live streaming platform?
Sean and I might do something for the upcoming vinyl release of Artificial TBC

Are you offering your fans any incentives to help support your music?
I haven’t thought about it, but I think you will see two new videos released very shortly that will hopefully push the album a little

How has this affected you on a personal level?
I am just worried about my family, my Dad is 92 on 28th and my step mum is still alive at home and is completely isolated so that’s a good thing but I still worry about them. My brother has diabetes and Heart disease too so Like me we have to be very careful.

Will you continue creating and performing now and after the dust settles?
We are planning to back to the USA in the new year and we are working on a European tour. UPF and UNITOPIA

Mark Trueack is an Australian Vocalist, Songwriter & Producer for both UPF (United Progressive Fraternity) – Unitopia

For More Information about Unitopia & UPF (United Progressive Fraternity)
UPF (United Progressive Fraternity)

John Battema ~ USA

I set my new solo album to free on Bandcamp and asked that anyone who wants to buy it, take it and give the money to another artist who might need it more than I do right now.

John Battema is a US-based Progressive Rock keyboardist for Ephemeral Sun as well as a solo artist

For More Information about Ephemeral Sun and John Battema

Hamlet ~ Belgium

Well, I’m more bothered about the others at this point. This virus is a test for selfishness. And yep, Transport Aerian Reunion Belgium and Netherlands tour has gone to hell. But hey.

Hamlet is the founder and multi-instrumentalist of Transport Aerian, a Belgian Avant-garde prog band who’s recent release is a charity single called Big Heart

For More Information About Transport Aerian

Gabriel Iwasaki ~ Peru

Going through my recently acquired orchestration books. Just finished a symphonic pieces based on Peruvian folk music!  Hopefully, I can premiere it sometime soon!

Gabriel Iwasaki is a Peruvian Prog Metal keyboardist and Composer, he has released two solo albums he’s also has recorded and toured with of Flor de Loto

For More Information About Gabriel Iwasaki




THE TRIBE featuring Legendary DON RANDI (Wrecking Crew),
DAVID MARKS (Beach Boys) & MARKY LENNON (Venice)


Hosted by Comedians DEBRA WILSON & JOE SIB



Renowned Performance Artist NORTON WISDOM will be LIVE On Stage All Night


“God gave me this MS shit to save my life” – Richard Pryor

HOLLYWOOD, CA (March 9, 2020) – More amazing artists just added to the line-up!! Robby Krieger (The Doors), Stephen Perkins (Jane’s Addiction), Michael Devin (Whitesnake) and Jeff Scott Soto (Sons of Apollo/TSO)!!!

This night is full of GUITAR GODS! Legendary Guitar Player’s Steve Stevens, Orianthi, Steve Lukather, Wayne Kramer, Robby Krieger and MORE – will dominate the stage at the 8th Annual Rock Against MS Benefit Concert & Award Show.

Returning for hosting duties is the Queen of sketch comedy and MADtv alumni – impressionist, actress and renaissance rarity Debra Wilson. Wilson will be sharing the hosting duties with the rocker of all comedy, Joe Sib who is hot off the Metallica Tour – They will unfold an evening of comedy, music and art in benefit of the Rock Against MS Foundation – #HelpingPeopleNOW.

This year we are proud to have a special Honoree and Guest Speaker, Camerone Parker. Camerone is a pivotal member of the MS community, having donated nearly 1 million dollars throughout the years after hiding her own diagnosis for over a decade while she was a Supermodel. Now she uses her life and funds to support treatment and a cure for this disease

This special night is to raise awareness and educate the public about multiple sclerosis, while raising money to build the first of many MS resource centers, aptly name The ROCK HOUSE. The ROCK HOUSE is a crucial component that will allow us to fulfill our mission and with your help we can build this much needed resource center,” explains Nancy B. Sayle, Founder. “The ROCK HOUSE will allow us to provide classes, community programs, basic care and expanded resources free of charge to those whose lives have been affected by MS.”

LIVE ART ON STAGE: This evening has famed performance artist Norton Wisdom performing his art live on stage during the music, capturing the inspiration he gets from the music notes. 


CURRENT FEATURED ARTSTS: STEVE STEVENS (Billy Idol), ORIANTHI (Michael Jackson), ROBBY KRIEGER (The Doors), STEVE LUKATHER (Toto/Ringo Starr), WAYNE KRAMER (MC5), STEPHEN PERKINS (Jane’s Addiction), TIFFANY, RAFEAL MOREIRA (Paul Stanley/P!NK), DUG PINNICK (KINGS X), MICHAEL DEVIN (Whitesnake), JEFF SCOTT SOTO (Sons Of Apollo/TSO), ANNIE BOSKO (Country Star), JULIA LAGE, TOSHA JONES (Saliva), QUIST (Bryan Ferry/Missy Elliott), HAWK LOPEZ (Steven Van Zandt/John Corbett), MATT STARR (Mr. Big), STEVE DAWSON, IRA BLACK (Dark Sky Choir/Lizzy Borden), JERRY MONTANO (Hellyeah/Danzig), MARK ALBERICI (Tiffany), PATRICK STONE (Budderside), ANTHONY “TINY” BIUSO (Bulletboys), JOHNNY MARTIN (L.A. Guns), DALE EDWARD CHUNG (Confunkshun), SAM “BAM” KOLTUN (Faster Pussycat), NICKI TEDESCO, LISA FOREMAN (Foo Fighters/Todd’s Planet), SHAWN DUNCAN (Odin/DC4), ANDRE COTMAN (Sexy Sax), ERIN HAWKINS (cello), LISA MARGAROLI (Back-up Goddess) – Performance Artist LIVE on Stage: NORTON WISDOM!

The Palace Theatre
630 S. Broadway @ 6th Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90014

General – $35
VIP w/M&G Package – $150
Day Of Show Add $10

Doors for All 6:00/ Celebrity Orange Carpet 6:30/ VIP Tix Holders Early Theatre Access M&G 6:00 / Public Theatre entry 7:00/ Show 8:00

Purchase –
** Please email to reserve Wheelchair seating at

Metal Blade Records, 95.5 KLOS, Earthly Body, Dulce Vida Tequila, American Born Whiskey, American Born Moonshine, Schecter Guitars, Evans, Promark, D’addario, SIR Studios, Stella Rosa Wine, Tour Bus Live, The Palace Theatre, Victorio’s Restaurant, Red Ball’s Rock N’ Roll Pizza, Archie’s Vegan Ice Cream

For more show information go to:

SOTO – Signs worldwide deal with InsideOutMusic; Working on ne​​​​w album!

SOTO, the modern Heavy Metal / Hardrock group featuring vocalist Jeff Scott Soto (ex Yngwie Malmsteen / Talisman / Journey, Sons Of Apollo, TSO, etc.), are pleased to announce the signing of a new worldwide deal with InsideOutMusic.

Jeff Scott Soto checked in with the following comment about the signing:“I am proud to have SOTO working with the great InsideOutMusic & their partners at Century Media Records and Sony Music. Having seen what we did together with Sons Of Apollo, I am thrilled to see what we’ll do to further my own vanity band SOTO into the future. It‘s a very exciting time in our lives and career!”.

SOTO started in 2015 derived from the ideal of Jeff Scott Soto wanting to return to his heavier roots. So far they released 2 albums, “Inside The Vertigo“ (2015) and “DIVAK“ (2016), taking a short break while Jeff embarked on the supergroup Sons Of Apollo, alongside Mike Portnoy, Derek Sherinian, Billy Sheehan and Bumblefoot.

Now SOTO are returning under the same umbrella as Sons Of Apollo, signing with InsideOutMusic. A new album is currently being worked on and its material will continue to expand and move the band towards new heights whilst following up with their brand of Power Rock.

SOTO also recently announced the newest member of the band, bassist Tony Dickinson, who coincidentally replaced the late David Z in the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Jeff explains, “It was the one, and only natural choice for us after losing our brother David in a horrific accident in 2017. Tony wrote, and played on two Singles for the first two SOTO albums, “The Fall“ and “FreakShow“. He is phenomenally talented, and a great friend. He’ll fit right in with us and I cannot wait to showcase more of his contributions as we move the band forward!”.

SOTO, which includes other members Jorge Salan (guitar), Edu Cominato (drums) and BJ (keys/guitar), will be touring throughout 2019 following the release of the still untitled new album as well as its corresponding singles and video clips.

Here are the next dates announced for SOTO in 2019:

SOTO – Live 2019:
17.02.2019 San Juan (Puerto Rico) – Handlebar
21.02.2019 Tampa (USA) – The Orpheum
24.-28.02.2019 Monsters Of Rock Cruise /
More dates coming soon…

Stay tuned for more details about the upcoming SOTO album to be announced soon…

SOTO – Line-Up:
Jeff Scott Soto – Vocals
Jorge Salan – Guitar
Tony Dickinson – Bass
BJ – Keys/Guitar
Edu Cominato – Drums

SOTO online:


INSIDEOUTMUSIC Spotify Playlist:

URIAH HEEP are pleased to announce the upcoming release of their 25th studio album “Living the Dream”

British Classic Rock Icons URIAH HEEP are pleased to announce the upcoming release of their 25th studio album “Living the Dream” on September 14th via Frontiers Music Srl.

In conjunction with this release through Frontiers Music Srl, the band is offering some once in a lifetime experience packages as well as signed copies of the album and many other wonderful things.
Check it out at

Today, the first single and video for the song “Grazed By Heaven” has been released. It is available on all streaming services as well as an instant download with digital pre-orders. The lyrics for “Grazed By Heaven” were written by Jeff Scott Soto and the music was written by bassist Dave Rimmer.

“The song is clearly about sexual tension and desire, very much in the form of ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’, putting oneself at ease with the person who is taking control of the situation and trusting you will be in absolute bliss. Fantasy and lust is the calling card here, it’s quite black & white really. The song is very sexy so naturally called for a sexy lyric,” says Jeff Scott Soto of “Grazed By Heaven”.

Dave Rimmer adds: ‘Grazed’ was born out of my desire to write a blazing Heep rock track. I put together the music and arrangement but needed a very strong melody line/lyric to match the music and the riff….. I have been a fan of Jeff Scott Soto’s voice and writing for many years, so asked Jeff about a collaboration, he loved the song and came up with the perfect, & powerful lyric/melody..a very natural seamless collaboration between Jeff and I. A true ‘Living The Dream’ Moment for me.”

For this album the band teamed up with famed Canadian engineer Jay Ruston.

“Working with Jay was amazing! He totally understood what we were going for on this album and he delivered big time. We wanted a Heep album that the band and the fans would be proud of, and with Jay at the helm, we have delivered that,” says Mick Box.

When asked what people can expect from the new album Mick Box says “There are rock songs, rock ballads, and a couple of prog songs encompassing everything Heep.”

Vocalist Bernie Shaw adds that fans should also be ready for, “A full blown ‘rockin’ Uriah Heep record. All the traits that made Heep famous in the past are here on this new album. Passion, power, harmony and substance. Heep trade marks from the first riff.”

The band is beyond excited with the material written for the new album, which will include some epic additions to the band’s huge catalog of rock staples and looks forward to sharing it with their fans around the world.

The band has announced a full World Tour which will last through the first quarter of 2019. “The mighty Heep are proudly able to tour in over 61 countries and we look forward to a packed touring schedule in 2018 and 2019. Touring is in our blood and what we have a passion to do, and so 2018 is no exception,” concludes Box.

View all official tour dates at:

Track Listing:

1. Grazed By Heaven
2. Living The Dream
3. Take Away My Soul
4. Knocking At My Door
5. Rocks In The Road
6. Waters Flowin’
7. It’s All Been Said
8. Goodbye To Innocence
9. Falling Under Your Spell
10. Dreams Of Yesteryear
11. Take Away My Soul (alternate version) BONUS TRACK – CD/DVD Deluxe Ed.

Bonus DVD Track Listing:
Grazed By Heaven Music Video
Take Away My Soul Music Video
Making The Dream Documentary

Uriah Heep Lineup:

Mick Box – Lead Guitar/Vocals
Phil Lanzon – Keyboards/Vocals
Bernie Shaw – Lead Vocals
Dave Rimmer – Bass Guitar/Vocals
Russell Gilbrook – Drums & Percussion

For More Info Visit:

Pre-order “Living The Dream” & stream first single, “Grazed By Heaven”

Get your copy on CD/LP/Collector’s Box/Digital NOW: 

“Living The Dream” will be available in the following formats:
+ CD
+ Collector’s Box feat. CD/DVD + Exclusive T-Shirt
+ Standard Black Vinyl
+ Blue Colored Vinyl – Exclusive to U.S.
+ Crystal Colored Vinyl – Exclusive to Frontiers EU Shop
+ Digital


By Kev Rowland

Just put this on and listen to the melodic rock majesty that only happens when musicians who really know their stuff join forces and do something because they love it so much. This is the third album from W.E.T.,  who comprise Robert Säll (the “W” from Work of Art), Erik Mårtensson (the “E” from Eclipse) and Jeff Scott Soto (the “T” from Talisman) along with Eclipse guitarist Magnus Henriksson and drummer Robban Bäck. All the guys involved have been having some success recently,  with Mårtensson (coming off a highly successful new Eclipse album and preparing for the release of the self-titled Ammunition album), Soto (coming off his own successful solo album, plus the debut of supergroup Sons Of Apollo), and Säll (having just completed the production of a forthcoming record with Steve Overland of FM and about to start working on the anticipated fourth Work of Art record).

They have all been around the traps for a long time, and I have been a fan of JSS for many years both solo and with the mighty Talisman (a live video of “I’ll Be Waiting” is downloaded to my phone), so to get a band like this having fun is always going to deliver class results. This is melodic hard rock which hasn’t been sanitized out of existence and instead relies on the band producing melodic hard rock with crunching riffs and harmony vocals and a singer who is strong enough to shine over the top of it all. This is very much a song-based album, with everyone putting their heart and soul into every number. The end result is an album that any fan of the genre needs to get out and purchase immediately, if not sooner. Want great riffs, hooks, solos, punching hard rock and great vocals? What are you waiting for?
