Jerry Ewing Reassures Fans That Prog Magazine Is Still On Track With Next Issue of Prog

Jerry Ewing posted this statement on social media today.
As there have been some posts asking about the what will happen with Prog Magazine during the current coronavirus crisis, I thought I’d try and address some of those queries, at least as much as I can, given things do seem to be changing on a daily basis.
Currently, it’s business as usual. The new issue of Prog goes on sale this Friday, April 3. It will be available in the shops that are open. Prog usually sells a lot in transport branches of WH Smiths. Given many of these are closed we have shifted distribution in favour of supermarkets, but smaller retailers will still be stocking it. Newsagents are classed as essential retailers.
Also, MFM have upped the amount of stock they hold for people who wish to purchase the magazine online. At the moment, the postal service in the UK at least, seems to be working OK. And of course, there is still the digital option. We are aware that many readers favour the physical, but these are exceptional circumstances and that may be your best option over the next few difficult weeks. Needless to say, the magazine has counted on some fantastic support from the readers in the past, we hope that continues in what are testing times.
We are aware that Barnes & Noble in America have stopped stocking new magazines for the time being. Again, we would suggest that buying online or the digital version is your best option until the current situation has eased. We will be posting the links for online purchase on Friday and will keep re-posting.
These are unique and testing times and no one knows for sure what our immediate future holds with things changing on a daily, even hourly, basis. I write this on my laptop sat on my sofa, as, like many of you, we’re confined to working from home during the current lockdown. But the last issue which was worked on remotely, was sent to the printers on time and with no problems
Prog Magazine will continue to do our utmost to bring you the very best coverage of the progressive music scene that we can, both in the pages of the print magazine and online through our website ( We’re here to support you, our readers, just like you support us by buying the magazine. And we’re here to support the wider prog community: the bands, the venues and those who work tirelessly behind the scenes while we all tackle the current crisis.
As I said, these are unparalleled times and things are changing on a daily basis. We’ll have to be adaptable to tackle any hurdles placed in front of us in order to get the magazine printed and in the shops. We may possibly have to make some small changes here and there to ensure that. But the important thing is we keep connected and we support our music scene and one another. We’re all in this together. Please, take care of yourselves and one another. Prog on…