Flor de Loto ask for people to stand up with them to fight Violence and Discrimination

Para que realmente crezcamos como país, tenemos que decir BASTA y ganarle el partido a la violencia y a la discriminación contra las personas LGBTI.
Es por esto que Flor de Loto se une a esta campaña de Amnistía Internacional Perú y le dice al presidente Vizcarra: #Estáentucancha garantizar la igualdad de derechos para las personas LGTBI.
Pueden firmar la petición que se le entregará al presidente aquí: http://www.amnistia.org.pe/firma/esta-en-tu-cancha

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For us to really grow as a country, we have to say ENOUGH and win the match against violence and discrimination against LGBTI people.
That is why Flor de Loto joins this campaign of Amnesty International Peru and tells President Vizcarra: #Estaentucancha ensure equal rights for LGTBI people.
You can sign the petition that will be delivered to the president here: http://www.amnistia.org.pe/firma/esta-en-tu-cancha
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In related news!
Roy Z (Tribe of Gypsies, Bruce Dickinson, and Judas Priest) is putting the final touches to the new Flor de Loto album Eclipse due out later this year on Melodic Revolution Records

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