Featured Video OBRASQi – Najbardziej Ciemny Świt (Official Video)
OBRASQi or emotions in sounds, a story in a musical space. Connected by passion, we go on a joint journey with music, word, and image …
Monika – vocals, lyrics,
Artur – guitars, keyboards, loop,
Jarek – drums.
We have been operating since April 2019. at that time, we starred in Tomasz Żąda in the program Three Requests Debuts, we played live in Piotr Kaczkowski’s MiniMax, our single “Dopażeenia” reached # 27 of the Third Program Hit List and the top of the Polish Radio Rzeszów List. At the end of 2019, we released the maxi-song “HolyGram“, which came first in the November list of Will Loudly Radio Four. We became the finalists of the Metropolitan Musical Discovery of the Year, we also won the MusicLife Awards in the New Music category.
So much talk, we invite you to the world of our music