Leprous & Airbag Amongst The First Bands Announced For Bergen’s Close To The Rain Prog Festival In June

In English &  Norwegian
Close to the Rain, Bergen Prog Festival, is back with its third edition. 8 bands will fill the program and we’re proud to announce two of the giants from the Norwegian prog-scene: Leprous and Airbag. 


Close to the Rain, Bergen Prog Festival, is back with its third edition. This time in the excellent venue USF Verftet, one of the most renowned venues in Bergen. Verftet is known for hosting concerts with acts such as Devin Townsend, Steven Wilson, Swans, Opeth, Katatonia and Anathema, and is equipped with top of the line PA and acoustic treatment. Being literary by the sea, it is the perfect spot for Close to the Rain. A total of 8 bands will fill the program spanning the 7th and 8th of June, and we’re proud to announce two of the giants from the Norwegian prog-scene: Leprous and Airbag

With a calendar filled with sold-out shows in Europe and North America, Leprous is quickly becoming one of the lead acts of the Norwegian prog scene. 2017 saw the release of their 5th studio album “Malina” to critical and public acclaim. Since then the band has been touring non-stop, filling venues in North and South-America, Europe and Asia. After a 4 year absence, Leprous is finally back in Bergen, headlining the Friday at Close to the Rain.

Fresh back from the floating Caribbean festival Cruise To The Edge, AIRBAG returns to Bergen. This time with an exclusive set marking the 10 year anniversary of their debut album “Identity”. On CTTR the band will perform the album in its entirety.

Following the release of their second album “False Memory Archive”, OAK has taken a big leap towards the front of the Norwegian prog scene. In addition to being booked to Close to the Rain, the band is scheduled to play Night of the Prog 2019, one of the biggest genre festivals in the world. With a sound that can draw references to acts such as Talk Talk, Pink Floyd and Steven Wilson, and boasting members of the Airbag and Bjørn Riis live bands, Oak is definitely one to watch!

…have since their formation in 1998 become an institution in the Norwegian prog-rock scene. Due out with their seventh album “”Summarisk Suite” on the 3rd of May, the band describes their music as “Progressive Rock with a friendly face”, reminiscent of inspirational precursors such as Samla Mammas Manna, King Crimson, Henry Cow, Univers Zero and Frank Zappa, while at the same time sounding unmistakably… Panzerpappa!

…is a new band from Norway, continuously busy discovering their unique kinds of brew, mixing elements of rock, jazz, psychedelic, progressive etc. Founded in 2015, the band just released the debut album “The Key” (2019) on Apollon Records Prog to great reviews.

…is a Norwegian progressive rock band formed in 2001 in the outskirts of Oslo. Musically the band can best be described as symphonic neo prog, influenced by several bands from the golden years of the seventies, such as Genesis, Pink Floyd, Camel and others. The debut album “To be continued …” was released May 2010, and the followed up by “The Continuation” in 2013 to great reviews around the world. 5 years later, 2018 saw the birth of “Tribus” to great acclaim from fans and critics. In addition to seeing The Windmill at this years Close to the Rain, they can be seen at Summers End, the UKs longest running prog-festival.

Tickets available from https://www.ticketmaster.no/artist/close-to-the-rain-bergen-prog-festival-billetter/1010760


Close to the Rain, Bergen Prog Festival, er tilbake i tredje utgave, og for første gang på Bergens storstue USF Verftet. Totalt vil 8 band fylle programmet som går over to dager, og vi er stolt av å kunne presentere gigantene Leprous og Airbag som to av årets hovedattraksjoner.

Med en kalender fylt av utsolgte konserter i både Europa, Asia, Sør- og Nord-Amerika har Leprous blitt et godt kjent navn i alle kriker og kroker, og er et av Norges største og mest aktuelle progband om dagen. I 2017 kom studioalbumet «Malina», som har skutt dem til værs og med høye terningkast og fulle hus verden over. Etter en omfattende turne i Sør-Amerika returnerer bandet til Bergen for første gang på 4 år, hvor de headliner fredagen på Close to the Rain.

…fra Oslo er nylig tilbake fra den flytende festivalen Cruise To The Edge i Karibien. Bandet er nå klare for å returnere til Bergen, og denne gangen med en helt spesiell konsert eksklusiv for CTTR hvor de spiller debutalbumet “Identity” i sin helhet i forbindelse med albumets

I etterkant av slippet av OAKs andre album, «False Memory Archive», har bandet tatt et svvmilssteg mot fronten av den norske progrockscenen. Utover å være booket til årets Close to the Rain, kan bandet ses på årets Night of the Prog festival i Tyskland, en av verdens største festivaler i sjangeren. Bandet har et uttrykk som kan beskrives med referanser til band som Talk Talk, Pink Floyd and Steven Wilson, og med medlemmer av livebandet til Airbag og Bjørn Riis, er definitivt Oak et orkester å få øynene opp for.

…har siden oppstarten i 1998 blitt en institusjon i den Norske progrockscenen. Bandet er aktuelle med «Summarisk Suite» som slippes 3 mai, og kan beskrives musikalsk som progressiv rock med et vennlig ansikt. Utover å låte genuint kan en finne linker til inspirasjonskilder som Samla Mammas Manna, King Crimson, Henry Cow, Univers Zero og Frank Zappa i bandets musikk.

…er et nytt band fra Norge. Bandet mikser elementer fra rock, jazz, psykedelia og prog og ble grunnlagt i 2015. Debutplaten «The Key» ble sluppet på Apollon Records Prog i 2019, og har mottatt strålende kritikker.

…ble grunnlagt i 2001 i utkanten av Oslo. Musikalsk kan bandet beskrives som symfonisk neo-prog, inspirert av band fra det gylne 70-tallet som Genesis, Pink Floyd og Camel. Debuten “To be continued…” ble sluppet I 2010 og fulgt opp av «The Continuation» i 2013. Fem år senere slapp bandet “Tribus” til strålende mottakelse fra kritikere og fans. I tillegg til å se The Windmill på årets Close to the Rain er de booket på Summers End, den lengstlevende festivalen for progressiv rock i Storbritannia.

Billetter frahttps://www.ticketmaster.no/artist/close-to-the-rain-bergen-prog-festival-billetter/1010760

Dagspass Fredag: 490 NOK
Dagspass Lørdag: 490 NOK
Helgepass: 890 NOK

Terra Incognita Ticketes Now Available

Terra Incognita Festival 2019, back for a 15th year!


Friday, May 17 2019

Bjorn Riis

Tickets for Night of May 17th : Billetech.com

Price : $67 (per day include 3 bands)

Price includes taxes and service fees.
Non refundable.

Sathurday, May 18 2019


Tickets fo Night of May 18th : Billetech.com

Price : $99 (per day include 4 bands)

Price includes taxes and service fees.
Non refundable.

Sunday, May 19 2019


Tickets Night of May 19th : Billetech.com

Price : $99 (per day include 4 bands)

Price includes taxes and service fees.
Non refundable.

Oak and The Knells Confirmed for Progtoberfest 4



Progtoberfest Festival is very happy to welcome Oak – Official Fanpage from Oslo, Norway!!!

Oak is an Oslo based quartet made up by Simen Valldal Johannessen (vocals, keyboards), Øystein Sootholtet (bass), Ole Michael Bjørndal (guitars) and Sigbjørn Reiakvam (drums, percussion, programming). All the band members are in their late 20’s or early 30’s and have mostly grown up in the Oslo area. They have a huge variation in their musical inspirations – everything from classical composers and singer/songwriters to electronica, progressive rock, and metal.

Oak released their debut album, Lighthouse as a digital release in September 2013. In addition, a limited run of CD’s was produced for promotional purposes and to accommodate sales at gigs. The album was mixed and mastered at Fascination Street Studios by noted producer Jens Bogren (Opeth, Katatonia, Symphony X, Paradise Lost).

As of January 2015, the band is working on new material for their second album, and are working towards getting international distribution for this forthcoming album as well as becoming a more active band in the live circuit.

To hear their full album:

Website: http://www.oakinoslo.com/


Progtoberfest Festival is happy to welcome The Knells!!!

The brainchild of guitarist Andrew McKenna Lee, Brooklyn, NY based band The Knells is a band that belongs to a genre inhabited perhaps by themselves alone. The band is self-proclaimed as a post-rock neo-psychedelia act, but the musical collective is so much more than that. And indeed the band is a collective more than just a band, as Lee utilizes a trio of vocalists, Nina Berman, Amanda Gregory, and Katya Powder, two guitarists, Lee and Paul Orbell, drummer Michael McCurdy, mallet percussionist Jude Traxler, electric bassist Joseph Higgins, and the critically lauded Mivos String Quartet. The twelve-piece band weaves a sonic blanket that ranges from choral chamber rock to avant post-psych to melancholic psych-blues.

The Knells released their debut self-titled album in 2013 on New Amsterdam Recordings. The album is an enveloping one hour song cycle that follows the concept of the meaning of life, the meaning of time, the beauty and violent tendencies of nature, and the questions that plague humanity’s existence. A dense theme for a dense album – and the band pulls it off.

While the uniqueness of this band makes it difficult to relate artists to them, fans of impossible creative avant-garde rock will likely enjoy this band. The band fuses elements of chamber rock, choral music, psychedelic and post-rock, and the raw power of classical composition.


ProgtoberFest Info