ProgStock Festival Single Day Passes Now Available Plus Event Schedule News

Tuesday, July 2, 2019 @ 12:00pm (noon) US Eastern time

Due to popular demand single-day passes will be available two full months earlier than planned!

Starting Tuesday, July 2, 2019, you will be able to purchase a ProgStock 2019 Regular 3-Day Pass at the ProgStock Box Office by selecting any available seat within the areas set-aside for three-day pass holders. This three-day pass to the festival also provides you with these additional perks:

  • Access to all artist meet-and-greet sessions on each day
  • Access to all late-night events on each day (as capacity allows)

The price of a ProgStock 2019 Regular 3-Day Pass is $195 USD. These passes will only be available at this special low price until Tuesday, September 10, 2019.

Also starting Tuesday, July 2, 2019, you will be able to purchase a ProgStock 2019 Single-Day Pass for any day of the festival at the ProgStock Box Office by selecting any available seat within the areas set-aside for single-day pass holders. This single-day pass to the festival provides you with access to the artist meet-and-greet sessions on that day only, and access to the late-night events that occur after the mainstage performances on that day only (with priority given to three-day pass-holders when capacity is limited).

The prices of ProgStock 2019 Single-Day Passes are as follows: $75 USD for Friday, $105 USD for Saturday, and $115 USD for Sunday.

Pricing for Single-Day Passes:
Friday: $75 USD
Saturday: $105 USD
Sunday: $115 USD

Click Here to Visit the ProgStock Box Office

ProgStock 5-Year Patron Passes are still available! You can purchase a 5-Year Patron Pass (or convert any 3-day pass to 5-Year Patron) by contacting us here.

Now for the moment many of you have been waiting for…
Here is the daily schedule for ProgStock 2019!

Friday, October 11th 2019
3.2 featuring Robert Berry
Salem Hill
Special set by Rachel Flowers and Chris Clark of Brand X
Late-night: Progressive Coffeehouse at The Waiting Room Restaurant featuring Melanie Mau and Martin Schnella

Saturday, October 12th, 2019
Brand X
IO Earth
Rocket Scientists
Jane Getter Premonition
Special set by Rachel Flowers and Robert Berry
Late-night: Randy McStine and Last Call Live on the Mainstage at UCPAC

Sunday, October 13th, 2019
Joe Deninzon & Stratospheerius
The Cyberiam
Special set by Rachel Flowers and Michael Sadler of SAGA
Late-Night: Kinetic Element at The Waiting Room Restaurant

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