Former Kaipa Vocalist Mats Löfgren Passes Away
This is a sad and strange morning – It is with profound sadness we hear that a great friend and vocalist has left us – Between 1977 and 1983 Mats Löfgren was my writing partner in music with Kaipa & beyond. Mats did what I could not, write great swedish lyrics to my music and sing it with passion & timing. Mats was always the perfect frontman who I wanted to back up as a guitarist and a wonderful a fun friend. All the touring will be remembered now with even more love,fondness and r&r brotherhood. As Mats moved with his family to Bali many years ago our contact has been sporadic over the years. The news of Mats passing this morning,of course made all of us who knew him very sad & put a lid on all the celebration of other things music. It is indeed strange and sad to realize,as we launch this new KDC album (and there are also more Kaipa music coming now again on colorful vinyl) that our history as a band today ring strange & sombre. Life is precious, life is fragile, you cannot control tomorrow – be here now, take care of your one body and soul, your friends, your family – and follow your dreams. – R.