The Breaking the Chains foundation is proud to present a Rock album incorporation with more than 40 Dutch rock/metal musicians and vocalists. After more than one year of brainstorming, contacting artists, writing and recording the songs, we are now in the process of finalizing the album, and we need your help to make this project a success!

The moment is finally here!! After more than a year of hard work, we are launching our crowdfunding to make our album a reality.

Go to and help us help the children!

Together we are Breaking the Chains of abuse!


Breaking The Chains will be featuring:
Robert Soeterboek (Wicked Sensation, HIGHWAY CHILE, Ayreon), Marjan Welman (Autumn, Vetrar Draugurinn), John Jaycee Cuijpers (Praying Mantis), Irene Jansen (Ayreon), Wudstik (For All We Know, Ayreon, Solo), Ian Parry (Consortium Project), Marieke Bresseleers (Circle Unbroken), Jan Willem Ketelaers (Ayreon, The Classic Rock Show), Margriet Mol (Asrai), Martin van der Meyde (4eigner), Sebas & Petra Honing (Equisa), Jasper Roelofsen (The Last Element), Timo Somers (Delain), Ruud Jolie (Within Temptation, For All We Know), Frank Schiphorst (MaYaN), Eric Hazebroek (Vetrar Draugurinn, Stream of Passion), Bart Hennephof (Textures), Joe Tal (Textures), Rick Bouwman (Martyr),@Jan Jan Bechtum (Picture), Marcel Coenen (Ayreon, GODSCUM, Stormrider), Ed Warby (VUUR, Ayreon, Hail Of Bullets, The 11th Hour, The Gentle Storm), Mike Coolen (Within Tempation), Dirk Bruinenberg (Place Vendome, Elegy), Ivar de Graaf (Kingfisher Sky), Collin Leijenaar (Affector, Kayak), Karin Mol (Asrai), Arno te Loo (4Eigner), Robert Spaninks (The Last Element, Silent Chambers, The Dust Connection), Johan van Stratum (VUUR, Stream of Passion, The Gentle Storm), Robin Zielhorst – Bass player (Onegodless The artist formerly known as MOURN, Exivious, Our Oceans), Jan Bijlsma (Vengeance, The Last Element), Harry Den Hartog, Rob van der Loo – Official (Epica), Kristoffer Gildenlöw (Pain of Salvation, Neal Morse, Dial, For All We Know, Kayak), Peter Vink (Knight Area), Ton Scherpenzeel (Kayak), Mannon van der Hidde (Asrai),Robby Valentine, Ben Mathot (Ayreon), Anne Bakker, Maaike Peterse & Jeroen Goossens.


Music is a powerful tool of expression! Music defines us!  Using music in charities isn’t a new concept but a proven successful way of reaching out to a larger audience; to send a message to change the world for the better. With ‘Breaking The Chains’ our message is clear: We will not stand for any kind of child abuse!

Our Story

Breaking The Chains (BTC) is an album that unites over 40 of the biggest and best Dutch rock musicians from the 70’s decade through today (Within Temptation, Epica, Ayreon, Delain, Elegy, Kayak, Picture, Textures, Stream of Passion, Vuur, Pain of Salvation, Neal Morse Band, Place Vendome, Patrick Rondat, Asrai + more).

All profits from this amazing album will support the efforts of Bikers Against Child Abuse (B.A.C.A.), who work directly with abused children, to offer them comfort and empowerment when they need it the most. These children need to feel safe again, regain their self-confidence and overcome trust issues. Our goal is to promote awareness of B.A.C.A.’s mission by placing this worthy cause into the spotlight. There are some really big-hearted bikers out there fighting the good fight. B.A.C.A. provides public information on how to be observant for signs of child abuse in your own surroundings, and they are always a call away to help and protect those who cannot help and protect themselves. No child deserves to live in fear!

Our Goal

In order to complete this project, we need to raise around €6.500 to cover the production costs of the albums and merchandise. All musicians, producers, photographers and our project team have volunteered their time and talents.  B.A.C.A. is a non-profit organization, so all money will be utilized directly to help the children.  The more we get, the more we can help!  Help us, help them!

Breaking The Chains proudly presents the first video/single: Valley Road



John Jaycee Cuijpers (vocals), Dirk Bruinenberg (drums), Ton Scherpenzeel (keyboards), Johan van Stratum (bass), Timo Somers (guitar), Frank Schiphorst (guitar), Bart Hennephof (guitar).

Go to and help us help the children!

Together We Are Breaking The Chains of Abuse!


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