The Minstrel’s Ghost brings you a different tale of the man known only as Jack the Ripper. The story of a man whom everyone thinks they know. A story of a life dawning in hope yet descending into sadness, loneliness and heartbreak and taking a young man down a road of madness from which there is no return.

Written by Blake Carpenter  and Recorded by The Minstrel’s Ghost, Jack is sure to be something. You might hate it, you might love it but the sure thing is that people will be talking about it. Even with the release months away the controversy has already begun. Why would someone write an album about such an evil man? Why does the life of a serial killer intrigue so many? Why does no one ever remember the victims? “This story is not just about Jack the Ripper; the story is about a boy who has a horrible childhood which leads him to do horrible things only to regret them later. It could be anyone’s story” says Blake, “The fact that this piece is presented through this particular historical character will upset some people. I will not change a story to ease the conscience of a few. This story is really about the hardship of growing up in shitty situations beyond our control as a child and what it can do to some if not addressed properly, one person will handle it differently than another!”

Jack should be released in mid 2014 release on Melodic Revolution Records, the album promises to be more melodic than The Road To Avalon bringing with it Floyd-infused melodies and chord passages and that late 70 early 80′s psychedelic feel that is so well known.

The Minstrel’s Ghost
Blake Carpenter: Vocals, Guitars and Keyboards
Jartse Tuominen: Lead Guitars
Troy James Martin: Bass and Vocals
Mike Troupe: Drums and Vocals