Chapter 9 : Careful With That Axe, Eugene
Richard Ramsay, the Federal Chancellor of Ovel, is once again the central character of the weekly instalment of The Threshold Series.
At the beginning of the chapter, the veteran Conservative is temporarily escaping the pressures of his functions, hastening undercover towards a secret destination.
« Manifestly, the megapolis had become one of extremes. In downtown Triton Aeolus, where he had been dropped off, which was far from being one of the disadvantaged neighbourhoods of the vast urban area, the disguised ruler had gone from a place of ostentatious wealth to one of abject poverty just by crossing a few streets. And so, only minutes after having parted ways with his trustworthy helper, he was rid of the hustle and bustle of the boulevard and surrounded by the raw, desolate, yet peaceful landscape so common to those who had to live in the daily company of scarcity. Regardless of grey clouds and bleak environment, behind his shades, his eyes were bright, and underneath his long, black leather raincoat, his heart was light. He was savouring each instant of the quiet time as he trod the drying sidewalks, once in a while using his cane to steady himself as he would step on an uneven slab of derelict pavement. »
As he proceeds on his way to his undisclosed objective, the experienced politician hopes his disguise will protect him against undesirable encounters.
The ninth episode of the Threshold Bookcast, « Careful With That Axe, Eugene, » follows below. Wishing you a most enjoyable reading !
On a background of environmental and financial crises, and religious influences intertwining with political manoeuvres to determine the fate of an overpopulated planet, The Threshold Series chronicles the saga of the Ovelian civilization, a society very similar to our own, as it heads towards one of the most dramatic chain of events of its history.
The first book, « 2206 : Window Onto A New World, » focuses on the end of the year 2206, which culminates on an important federal election that will be impacted by the discovery of an anomaly in the nearby outer space.
Each episode of The Threshold Bookcast consists in a complete chapter of the series, made available for free online reading.
For more details about the series and the bookcast, please see the introduction.
The previous chapters are available here :