Florida Prog band debut new video for Star Faux Playthrough Video at 8Arms Audio from their upcoming album: “Jupiter doesn’t care about you” The video was captured during rehearsals at their studio – 8Arms Audio – on 7/27/18

The band will debuting this song live at House of Blues Orlando on 8/18/18

If you’d like free tickets to this show, with Mr. Bella, Megaphone and Social Ghost also appearing to support Rockpink.com and breast cancer awareness, please email traversertickets@gmail.com with your name, mailing address and how many tickets you would like. There’s still time for snail-mail to reach you.

TRÅVERSER are also scheduled to play RoSfest 2019 which will take place on May 3rd through 5th, 2019 at the Sarasota Opera House, Florida. http://rosfest.com/

Support TRÅVERSER by following the links below.
Official Website
Bandcamp Red Shift album:


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