Hi All
We are pleased to announce that the fourth Winter’s End festival will take place from Thursday 23rd to Sunday 26th April 2020 at the Drill hall, Chepstow.
We do realise that this is NOT either of the dates that we intimated it might be at this year’s event, but the dates have been chosen to leave some distance between us and the Fusion Festival in March and to avoid other events. It’s going to be a busy old spring, so windows of opportunity are limited.
The line up is in progress and will be announced in the next few weeks.
Leap Of Faith tickets remain on sale from www.winters-end.co.uk
Summer’s End 2019 tickets remain on sale but are selling fast from www.summersend.co.uk
Our facebook page:
Our facebook group: www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=98170444873
One twitter: www.twitter.com/summersendfest
Email: stephen@summersend.co.uk