
Women In Rock Series # 2
Amanda Hammers
Bass/Vocals | Sunshine & Bullets

There is a lot of very talented women in today’s musical atmosphere. However in a era that is so overly bombarded by how a woman comes off in her physical appearance it can become very monotonous into overkill where true talent can not be appreciated at its true value. In this 14 part Women in Rock Series here at Power of Prog, I have chosen to spotlight women who prove that music is far more than ‘Eyecandy’. In music there is substance and grace. That is where Amanda Hammers, bass player/vocalist of Florida’s very own Sunshine & Bullets fits the bill.

Lyrically Sunshine & Bullets are as introspective as The Cranberries meets Grace Potter. Melodically the band is this side of the heavier more hard rock version of Portishead meets Paramore. There music is partially science fiction from there debut Triangulum Mechanism to very heavy social commentary on their latest EP release Centauri Conspiracies Part 1 both available on Melodic Revolution Records. I recently caught up with Amanda Hammers for a interview. The following below is the interview. ‘SORRY’ guys Amanda is spoken for !

 POP – Hello Amanda thank you for joining us today?

AH – It’s a pleasure to be here!

POP – What was the very thing that started your musical journey and how long have you been on this journey?

AH – It all started in 2nd grade. I had an inspiring music teacher, Mr. Carter. Without him, I wouldn’t be joining you today.

POP –  What kind of musical background do you come from? What did your parents have as music in the home during your upbringing ?

AH – My mom loves to listen to music to dance to, and my dad is more of a rock guy. I like both, but when I got older I kept “borrowing” CDs from my dad’s collection. Aerosmith’s Toys in the Attic was my gateway drug.

POP – What band , artist or genre allowed you to fork off into heavier rock music?

AH – Although Aerosmith was good, I needed music of my own, so I developed an addiction to Nine Inch Nails and Marilyn Manson.

POP – Probably a question most asked, how did you find your way into the creation of Sunshine & Bullets?

AH – I had been in bands with both Rich and Kyle before, knew they were both ridiculously talented and fun to hang out with, so all I had to do was introduce the guys, get all 3 of us in a room together with some instruments, and the musical chemistry just sparked!


POP – For the fellow musicians out there, describe your musical gear you use in both studio and live in concert?

AH – Live, I use a couple of Dean Pro Edge 5 basses. The red one is standard tuning, just dropped half a step on all the strings, but the black one is drop tuned further, depending on which song I need it for. My Darkglass B7K Ultra is my lifeblood pedal! The character on that thing is beautifully dirty but still clear and low. I also use an EHX Micropog for that 12-string bass feel. I love the new D’Adarrio NYXL bass strings, and my current head of choice is a Hartke LH1000 with a Hydrive 8×10. If it’s good enough for Wooten, it’s more than enough for me!

I use basically the same things in the studio, but I’m not afraid to experiment with different things to get different sounds and tones if the song calls for it.

POP – Is there any current band or artist whom you would like to guest on their project and why?

AH – I’d love to work with someone like Eminem. He’s got this energy about him that is manic crazy yet bare bones honest.

POP – What are your goals going forward both with Sunshine & Bullets and solo?

AH – We’re continuing to write new material, release a new album, make more videos, all that good stuff. Rich and I are starting to make our wedding plans, but no date yet. As for goals, I like to keep it open-ended and simple: Have fun, and hopefully inspire others to do what they love!


Video Courtesy of :Sunshine & Bullets Official YouTube Channel )

Contact Links

Sunshine & Bullets Official Website

Sunshine & Bullets Official Facebook Page

Sunshine & Bullets Official YouTube Channel


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