November News

Halo News November

It’s time again to divulge all things wonderfully Halo. I guess we kick off with the exciting news of our inclusion on the There is Hope Disaster Relief CD. We were really fortunate to be contacted by our Label, Melodic Revolutions Records about whether we would be willing to contribute, and I of course accepted…but which track to contribute! I finally chose Tigers Hand, a song written on my return from Sri Lanka in 2011, it deals with the subject of those that have, and those that don’t, and I guess I chose it as it has a similar feel to some of the tracks on Nights and Days. Anyways please make every effort to download the CD, other great bands include Sunshine & Bullets, Mama Kaz, Way Up and the Minstrel’s Ghost to name but a few…

For those of you that may have missed it … We had our own Aiiradio show on the 23rd October – An Evening with Halo – It really was a fantastic evening for us as we were joined by some of our friends (Furi struggled with Dartford Internet throughout) to discuss all things Halo, from conception through to EP, Album and future projects. As usual Talby talked until the cows came home, but the general consensus was that people enjoyed the show and it went down very well compared to other such evenings. Huge thanks to Brian Dade, and his beautiful assistant Manuela (who kept the chat room going), Sir Colin Tench, Paul Timms, Angela Buchanan and Kevin Slaymaker… If you want to catch it check…

Live – we played an interesting show in Camden last month at the Enterprise, our drummer Stef was late due to another show starting late, so the first half we played acoustic…Not a problem for the London Boys however! Upcoming shows are scheduled for New Cross Inn on the 28th November, 22.00, and Mother Earth in Shoreditch, 21.30 – so get yourselves down to a gig and help keep Independent Live Music Alive

Finally, The Halo Effect, has started – we have recorded some initial guitars and are just in the process of sorting out which tracks and what format the final thing will be. We are also awaiting delivery of some of the guitars we will be using on the album from Flame Guitars (, further news to follow in due course.

Ps. Vacancy – We are still looking for a kick ass drummer to join the band, if you think your that person, then contact through this media and we’ll get back to you asap…. See you all next month.

Halo News

Halo News – October


It’s that time again … for all things Halo to be divulged!


First up, the Launch night in Camden, “what a night” a huge thank-you to all of you that came along to make it such a special occasion! Without doubt that was our most “Prockin” performance so far and a really great way we think to launch the EP. A huge thanks as well to Stefan Hale, whom came in to cover at the last minute, what a drummer, and what a great lad!

The EP itself is now available from all the usual outlets, form our new store at from our label, Melodic Revolution Records as well as CD Baby, iTunes and Amazon. Please help to keep Independent Music alive by adding us to your collections, you’ll be helping us get our next project out too “The Halo Effect”.

On that subject … We are putting the track listings together as I write, and it really is going to be a great album as we have such a large catalogue of tunes from which to choose. Furi has also started work on the art work for project as well, and initial artwork is looking pretty impressive!

On the Live front we have one show in London to go, The Enterprise in Camden on 19th October, 21.10 or there abouts! This will be our last show in the capital for a little while as we concentrate on recording and performing the album. News to follow of a mini-tour as well as this comes together of course

We are also on the look-out for a new drummer, so if anyone feels they can Prock like Halo, then please get in touch with us as auditions are already under way.


All of the above and more can be found on our website, Facebook, MySpace, Power of Prog and Melodic Revolution Records … All of which are regularly updated, and contain music, news and a lot more!


Talby, Furi and Ash


Halo News Flash

Nights and Days Released 

Today is launch day for London based cross-over prog band Halo and their debut release, EP “Nights and Days. The six song, and one multi – media presentation mini-album is 40 minutes in total and consists of both audio and visual entertainment.

The songs themselves are a set of stories for the listener to journey into, and the music covers the many influences of the band members themselves. “It’s rock, its prog, it’s a bit of everything says lead guitarist, Robert Furman. We have tried to capture a little bit of everybody in this our first recording for Melodic Revolution Records in America. Our first album, which we will be recording shortly, will be more rock/progressive influenced, but there will be the odd surprise!”

The London boys will be in action tonight (26th September 2012) at Camden Rock’s – Club fabulous where they will do a live performance of the EP. “It’s going to be a fantastic evening in the capital, our musical home” explains Bassist, Ashley Turner. “We are expecting many friends and family members to be in the audience, so we are really really looking forward to this evening!”

If you want to catch the Boys in action or more importantly, get a copy of the EP, full information can be found on the Bands new online store on their website

We look forward to seeing you, as well of course as taking you on the same journey!

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