Bryan Beller, bassist for The Aristocrats, Joe Satriani and Dethklok, has released a new single ‘Volunteer State’, taken from his upcoming solo work Scenes From The Flood.‘Volunteer State’ features world renowned virtuoso Joe Satriani on guitar and Joe Travers [Zappa plays Zappa, Joe Satriani, Duran Duran] on drums.

The hugely ambitious and unapologetically progressive double concept album Scenes From The Floodis scheduled for worldwide release on September 13, and available for pre-order now at

“This is the first full song of the album, and this is essentially where the story begins,” says Beller. “It’s an optimistic road-trip song. It’s filled with intention and desire for something positive, though as you get further into it, it does a bit of a twist on you.”

Beller continues: “Once I wrote it, and heard the melody and felt the vibe, I felt strongly and deeply that Joe Satriani could bring something special to it, something uniquely his, that would give ‘Volunteer State’ the weight it needed to be the opening chapter of such a long and winding tale.” Not content with simply contributing the lead melody and solo, the guitar legend took two months to build a complete arrangement around Beller’s song, including additional harmonies, acoustic guitars, a banjo, and several other sonic layers. “And Joe Travers is the perfect drummer for a heavy, straight-ahead rock groove like this.”

The accompanying live action dramatic video (shot, directed and edited by Jon Luini and Arthur Rosato) stars Beller himself and follows the musician as he packs up his old life and heads across the country into the unknown. Eagle-eyed fans will be able to spot several motifs and references to other parts of the album throughout the nearly 6-minute running length.

Scenes From The Flood

A work so sweeping in scale that it took Bellernearly a decade to conceive, compose, and now fully realize, Scenes From The Flood grapples with an existential question: When the storm comes for us, the big one after which things will not be the same, who are we and what do we become in those defining moments? What do we keep, and what do we let go? Scenes From The Flood features 26 world class musiciansexploring themes of ambition and loss, intentionality and reality, hope and disillusionment, and uses every second of its 18-song, 88-minute running order to tell an emotionally consuming and unforgettable musical story. 

All studio and live releases from Bryan Beller can be purchased at:

For additional information on Bryan Beller and Scenes From The Flood, please visit: 

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