Our Kingdom is the 9th track from the new album Elements by German Prog metal band Thoughts Factory

The song revolves around a man who finds that his girl saved him from a terrible fate. She gave him the power to solve his problems, he never thought he could solve at all.  After the obstacles have been removed from his path he will be able to build a common future, it will take time and be a lot of hard work, but in the end, the outcome will be good.

Quiet steps slowly approaching Warm hands reaching out for me To take me for a walk through the ruins of my life I leave it all behind, fetters to unbind I brought the spark and you brought the flame I showed you my sins and you made me change Words that I said and the things you received Expose who I am and who I’ll become after you’re gone You’re the scorching fire in my heart That makes me burning through the dark You’re the sparkling water on my skin That clears my mind and keeps me sane Will I see you stay, forever and a day Stone by stone and heartbeat by heartbeat We build this kingdom of our own The draft is in our hands, no foes left to defeat Stone by stone and heartbeat by heartbeat We build this kingdom of our own Hand in hand, together we’ll ascend the throne I brought the spark and you brought the flame I showed you my sins and you made me change Words that I said and the things you received Expose who I am and who I’ll become after you’re gone You’re the scorching fire in my heart That makes me burning through the dark You’re the sparkling water on my skin That clears my mind and keeps me sane Will I see you stay, forever and a day Cause I’ll walk by your side, forever and a night credits from Elements, released January 24, 2020 Music: Schornstein, Wurth Lyrics: Wurth, Schornstein

Video Production by Ute Haas & Perrin Gilles
Taken from the album ELEMENTS, Released January 2020
Album (Elements) Produced and mixed at Kohlekeller Studio and Secret Soul Studio

Kohlekeller Studio: http://www.kohlekeller.de/
Secret Soul Studio: https://www.facebook.com/secretsoulstudio/
Kuhlo Guitars: http://www.kuhloguitars.de/
3mmi Design: http://www.3mmi.org/
Sjerruf Music Support: http://sjerruf.nl/
DW Drums: http://www.dwdrums.com/
Future Music School: https://www.futuremusicschool.de/
Sabian Cymbals: https://sabian.com/
Metal Promotions: https://www.facebook.com/metal.promotions/

Thoughts Factory is:
Sven Schornstein – Keyboards
Bernd Schönegge – Bass
Chris Maldener – Drums
Markus Wittmann – Guitars
Cornelius Wurth – Vocals & Guitars

Thoughts Factory Links:
Homepage: http://www.thoughtsfactory.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thoughtsfactory
MRR Profile Page: https://mrrmusic.com/thoughts-factory/

CD Baby: https://store.cdbaby.com/Artist/ThoughtsFactory
Bandcamp:  https://thoughtsfactorymrrartist.bandcamp.com

Sven Schornstein – Keyboards
Bernd Schönegge – Bass
Chris Maldener – Drums
Markus Wittmann – Guitars
Cornelius Wurth – Vocals & Guitars

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