Bent Knee Back Catalog News!

According to a post on Bent Knee’s Facebook page.
Hey all, we hear you, and we want to press our back catalog to wax, too. The catch is that our records are long and wax is expensive, so here’s the deal — if we launch a pre-order campaign for dual-LP copies of Say So, would you order one? Reassure us in the comments and we’ll try to get this long-overdue project up off the ground.

P.S. If a Say So pre-order campaign is successful, Shiny Eyed Babies is next on the vinyl agenda.

The bands latest album “Land Animal” was released on 23 Jun 2017 via Inside Out Music

Bent Knee links
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Hamlet on Fabulae Dramatis and Transport Aerian

It’s been a while since I shared with you what was going on, and my disappearance – as it often turns to be – has few to do with me laying low, rather with way too many urgent matters at hand that has to be resolved or participated in. First off, things are fine, probably even more hectic than I could wish for. The main reason for silence from my side regarding Transport Aerian is that I’ve been called to the flanks of my little musical cause and was particularly busy working with my two other projects. One of them you, surely, already have a notion of an avant-metal band Fabulae Dramatis, that has just released their second album and now working hard on promotion and playing live shows all over to bring the new programme to the thankful audience. With their avant-garde heavy music, well-thought stage appearance and a video footage synced with the performance, I feel home on stage, but it does take a lot of my time and energy, as, since me, Isabel Restrepo and Daniel Diaz have formed the band back in 2012 it has indeed evolved into a very promising act that I consider well worth every invested hour.

Finally, there is one more project I will be working on in the next coming months, but I’m not allowed to talk about it just yet!

However, despite me being busy on all fronts, it doesn’t mean Transport Aerian becomes dormant. While I haven’t managed to set up a live line up sufficient to bring out Therianthrope in all its complexity live, so I ruled out this possibility, as if I can’t get the audience coming to the concert into my ideas at their fullness, I’d rather not do it at all, the studio album is doing pretty well, and I have just obtained the information that the limited edition copies at MRR are in fact sold out, but more copies are on their way, which might become available again within two or three weeks, and for now my entire digital discography is set with a significant discount! I’m also working on the in-depth blog regarding every song and every artwork on the album, that is to be published in the course of this year.

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Casey Grillo Leaves Kamelot On The Heals of Upcoming Album

KAMELOT Updates! New Endeavors!

Dear Kamelotians,

The forthcoming release of The Shadow Theory will mark another chapter in the band’s illustrious career. Coming off of the success of Haven, the band has stepped up their game even more on this new album and the massive tour planned for 2018/2019.

Casey is off to new endeavors! Prior to the recent final recordings, long-time drummer Casey Grillo informed the band that he had made the difficult decision to pursue other music and touring opportunities, in addition to the desire to focus more time on his drumhead company.

“Casey has been my friend and colleague for nearly 20 years. We have seen and done a lot together both in and outside of Kamelot. As his friends, the band and I respect his decision. I’m sure that we will all still be hanging out together when we have down time.” adds Kamelot guitarist Thomas Youngblood (Official).

In a letter regarding his departure, Casey states: “First and foremost I would like to thank all of the Kamelot fans around the world for your support during my time with the band. It has afforded me the opportunity to travel the globe, meet the most amazing people, experience so many cultures, and to share some of the most memorable experiences of my life. Between the various other musical endeavors I am involved with, along with my rapidly growing business, it really just became evident it was time for me to explore and focus on these new opportunities without compromising the exclusivity Kamelot needs and deserves.”

The technical musical arrangements and intense touring demands drove the band to enlist a proficient and energetic musician which would fit perfectly within the Kamelot machine. The new Kamelot drummer is someone you may already know, so please welcome with open arms Johan “Jo” Nunez. This 29 year old drum master and instructor has been touring and playing on albums with Marty Freedman, Gus G, Firewind, Nightrage and more. “We knew Johan already from touring and he worked with us on the entire recent European tour. He’s a sensational drummer, and was an easy choice in my mind. Be sure to make him feel welcome, and bug him for a photo, he’s a super nice dude!” adds Kamelot bassist Sean Tibbetts.

Johan Nunez states: “I am thrilled to join the Kamelot family! I’ve known the band for well over 15 years and always looked up to Casey as a drummer, so it was a big honor for me when I was asked to step in. I have toured in the past with Kamelot and I could see how dedicated and loving their fans are! Everybody in the band and crew have been wonderful and already made me feel at home, so I’m really excited to meet you all soon on the road!”

Casey concurs with the selection and adds: “I sincerely ask for you all to give a warm welcome to Johan Nunez, and to embrace him as the new drummer. He is a great guy and will proudly represent and continue the Kamelot legacy!“

The band wishes Casey all the best in his future musical and business journeys. As part of the Kam family, he will continue to work behind the scenes with the band.

The band is also confident that with the release of The Shadow Theory, fans will immediately recognize that Johan’s fantastic musicianship is a perfect choice for Kamelot. They can’t wait for you to meet him on tour!

Learn more about Johan Nunez here:
Or on his facebook page:

European and Japan Tour dates coming this week and some big endorsement announcements!

#kamelot #theshadowtheory #kamelot2k18 #newalbum
Photo credits: #1 #2 by Tim Tronckoe photography, #3 by Firenesia

Bibeau Release New Song/Video “Leeway,” New Self-Titled Debut Album Out 03/23

Bibeau‘s new album self-titled debut arrives on March 23, 2018 via Fade to Silence Records. 

To herald the release, the band has shared the new song/music video “Leeway”.

The video was directed by Justin Mosley at Dark Letter Entertainment. Justin, who directed the band’s first music video, “Mark This” as well as their lyric video “Phantom of the Opera”. Justin added, “Developing the narrative for the “Leeway” video presented a unique challenge. We wanted to demonstrate the emotional conflict conveyed in the song’s lyrics in a physical way, but in a way that featured the warring couple rather than some metaphorical subjects. We decided to create a scenario wherein the couple uses an isolated location and a variety of weapons to take turns purging their frustrations. The concept lent itself to some great aerial shots and visuals that marry well with the song. The whole thing was a great experience. It’s always a blast working with the guys in Bibeau.” He also wrote, produced and directed the film, “The Devil’s Deal”, which was recently released internationally through Lionsgate Films.

On the day after the album’s release, Bibeau is partnering with Rock Rage Radio and Fade to Silence Records to host a special hometown record release party at Click’s Live in Tyler, Texas. The event includes a special listening party, meet and greet/autograph signing and a live concert, which will be hosted by Rock Rage Radio’s James Gentry from “Soundcheck with Gentry” and Jess Rock Rage Rage from “The Sideshow”. Bibeau is set to return to the road in America again in late Spring.

Last year, Bibeau debuted the video for the track “Mark This”. The official music video for which has amassed nearly 200,000 views in a short period of time. “The quintet successfully blends the old and new school metal with a modern, progressive twist.” – Brave Words Bloody Knuckles declared. Horror Metal Sounds, adding, “Upon watching the video, I was blown away by how solid and memorable the song was. I was equally impressed that such a well-written song obviously inspired by classic prog rock and vintage metal roots could come out of such a young band. Thus Bibeau and their music became engrained in my consciousness – and I’ve had their single “Mark This”, and the striking imagery from the accompanying video, looping endlessly in my head ever since. Music Junkie Press offered this assessment of the track, “the time is now for Bibeau as they breathe a fresh new life into the somewhat stale progressive metal scene. It is with their youth and enthusiasm that we can once again enjoy the infectious progressive metal that their musicianship brings to life.”

Additional early global feedback on the song from Metal Forces England and deemed them “Bibeau can best be described as a bridge between power metal classic 70s and 80s, combined with the attitude of today’s modern progressive metal.” This is Bibeau!

“Leeway” is now available for download/streaming at iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, Spotify and all worldwide sites. Special 12 song special CD digipack debut record available 3/23/18 via Alliance/Amped Distribution and AWAL Digital worldwide.

Bibeau mystifies listeners with atmospheric melodies over adventurously progressive, powerful dynamics that create an undeniably epic wall of sound that has become the Texans’ trademark.

According to vocalist Drew Theiring, “the lyrical content of “Leeway” comes from an emotional dark spot in someone’s life. There’s a light in the black emerging throughout the tune and, a festering of issues to the surface. Being lied to or taken advantage of is never pleasant nor is it always intended. There’s hope in the fact that life may award you leeway, even if it’s just enough to breathe.

The “Leeway” guitar melody line was written by guitarist/songwriter Robin Bibeau, who subsequently framed the song around what started out as a fingerpicking experiment. “I was playing around with some hybrid picking exercises on guitar, and it eventually developed into what would become the intro to “Leeway”. It was very organic and the intro was kind of like a seed that sprouted into the rest of the song.” added Robin Bibeau

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Scholar and Drum Legend Bill Bruford Authors New Book, “Uncharted: Creativity and the Expert Drummer”

Pre-order in hardback, softback or e-book

Scholar and Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductee Bill Bruford, best known for his work with Yes, King Crimson, Genesis and his prolific solo career, has authored a new book, to be Published by the University of Michigan Press on January 28th.  Pre-orders are now being taken.

What’s it about?

The book is an exploration of the creativity involved in the way drummers make things work, make things matter, and make sense of both. It draws on interviews with nine top drummers and Bruford’s own experience to improve understanding in collaborative popular music performance. What do expert drummers do? Why do they do it? Is there anything creative about it? If so, how might that creativity inform their practice and that of others in related artistic spheres? Applying ideas from cultural psychology to findings from original research into the creative behaviors of a specific subset of popular music instrumentalists, Bruford demonstrates the ways in which expert drummers experience creativity in performance and offers fresh insights into in-the-moment interactional processes in music.

Why buy?

“If you’re an instrumentalist” recommends Bill, “give it to the nearest drummer, so he or she knows what drummers are for. If you’re a drummer give it to the other people in your band, so they know what drummers are for. And get a copy for yourself, so you know what drummers are for!”

Early praise for ‘Uncharted’

“… an intelligent, thought-provoking treatise on the notion of creativity in Western popular music. Over the course of a number of interviews and case studies involving expert drummers, Bill Bruford examines how such practitioners approach and understand creativity. In the process, he crafts a relational processual model for understanding creativity and the creative process for real-time interactive performing arts (theatre, dance, music). The result is a fascinating and rewarding read that will surely affect players and listeners alike as they think about the concept of finding ‘creative meaning in making it work and making it matter.’”
—Rob Bowman, Grammy Award Winning Professor of Music

“After forty years of creating professional music, pretty much all of it to his taste (passing rare), Bill Bruford has laid down the torches — and tried to capture their flame in words. Begin by running your eyes down the list of Bill’s collaborators. The expert performers and teachers will attract any reader with more than a passing affection for music. Simply put, it is a lights-out masterpiece of useful insight and passionate, reflective wisdom.”
—Neil Peart, drummer Rush

“The contributions of the wide-ranging active percussionists Bruford surveyed will make this an important primary document for future researchers examining the role of drummers in group improvisation, the recording process, and more.”
—Kevin Holm-Hudson, University of Kentucky

“The book lives up to its expectations. Drawing on his own insider’s knowledge and extensive interviews with an impressive roster of expert drummers about the nature of creativity and what it means to them, Bruford has produced a brilliant ethnography of professional drummers and drumming culture in the rock era.”
—Mark Spicer, Hunter College and the CUNY Graduate Center

“It is no surprise to find Dr. Bruford so eloquently putting into language that which springs from such a non-linguistic source. Bill’s scholarly insights matched with a career’s-worth of personal experience shed an authoritative light on the creative role of the drummer. In today’s world of computer-generated rhythmic music, how wonderful to tap into this most organic and visceral element in music’s heritage, and deepen our appreciation of this immense creativity, past and present.”
—Tim Garland, saxophonist, composer

“The author cites relevant scholarly work, his roster of drum experts is beyond question (including himself), but most importantly, the insights he synthesizes from his source material are both original and valuable.”
—Shaugn O’Donnell, The City College, CUNY

How to order  

Bill Bruford’s “Uncharted: Creativity and the Expert Drummer”:

University of Michigan Press: ;

Amazon US: ;

Amazon UK: ;

Eurospan UK:

Bill Bruford’s official website:

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