by Spiral Key | Jun 2, 2015 | Uncategorized
14 Oct. 2013
Artist: Spiral Key
Released: May 11, 2013
Genre: Progressive Rock
Posted by: GFreedom Team
Spiral Key were formed almost 1.5 years ago in Swindon UK, and is the project of two very talented musicians, David McCabe and Ken Wynne. Their love for Progressive Rock was the main reason why they came together, and decided to unite their skills and play something more PROGelegant!
They released only one record so far called “Perfect Machine” (2013) which includes 7 songs with a total running time of almost 46 minutes.
As I mentioned above, the band consists of two musicians who do everything. Composing, arranging, playing, singing etc. Having this fact in mind, I must admit that their record is an excellent example of modern Progressive Rock. Their music flirts with Progressive Metal in many occasions, having many “sharp edges”, but I wouldn’t categorize them under the Progressive Metal banner by no means. Their sound is based, in many instances, on collaboration of heavy guitar riffs and bass, but it contains also many melodic parts which leave a nice flavor to the listener. The thing I didn’t like is the drums that are most probably programmed; and I didn’t like the sound of them (well, even if they are not programmed they sound a little artificial!).
They seem to have many influences from other Progressive Rock & Metal bands, and you can find small riffs or rhythms every now and then that might bring to mind other bands and/or songs. That is not a bad thing of course, I’m just pointing it out. I’ve listened to their album a few times so far, and my most beloved songs are ‘Colder than Heaven’ followed closely by the opening track ‘At Sixes and Sevens’. I am sure that after some more listening experiences, I will discover more parts and songs which I will surely like, but those two songs caught my attention immediately (to make it more clear to you, I’m planning already to play those two songs in some of the forthcoming Prog & Roll shows!).
Concluding this review I have to say that in a nutshell, ‘Spiral Key’ seems like a very promising band, and their record is a very good one. It has its ups and downs, but, in average, is more than just satisfying.
by Spiral Key | Jun 1, 2015 | Uncategorized
Here in the land of SPIRAL KEY, we listen to quite a few internet radio shows and podcasts and we’ve found a few that play what most refer to as ‘PROGRESSIVE’ music, whatever that really means. However, we all know what ‘prog’ sort of does, some of the time, yes?…. So here’s a list of stations and blogs that come straight to mind, and in no particular order………..
Why not check ’em out? There are often chatrooms where you can converse with like-minded fans of this much maligned music form, even though it is played by some of the best musicians you will ever find, creating music and sounds that go way beyond the abilty of many far more ‘popular’ genres! If you want unexpected and different, you will find it on ALL of the above stations! You might even like some of it!!
by Robert 'Unlce Prog' Brady | May 30, 2015 | Uncategorized
John Wetton Confirms Tumour Surgery

Asia singer recovering from removal of 1kg “malignant mass”
John Wetton has confirmed he’s recovering from the removal of a tumour following an operation earlier this month.
The Asia singer has thanked doctors who led the successful surgery, and also thanked fans for their support.
An official statement reads: “On May 16, John underwent surgery for the successful removal of a 1kg malignant mass. John wishes to extend his thanks to Mr Chan and his team. John is also beyond grateful for the wonderful wishes and prayers received.”
Wetton is currently recuperating from his procedure. Messages of support can be sent to
Courtesy : Team Prog Rock
by KIM SOLI | May 27, 2015 | Uncategorized

As we have learned, CHRIS SQUIRE, who’s well known as the BASS PLAYER from YES, will undergo TREATMENTS FOR LEUKEMIA, in the next few Months, as propagated by NICK KANTONA, a few weeks ago:

When BILLY SHERWOOD was asked to replace him, here was his quote:
” Chris went on to explain that Yes are meant to tour in Sept/Aug etc… but unfortunately this will be the 1st time he won’t be able to go. The band has a deep loyalty to it’s fans, I know this well having been a full member of Yes in the late 90’s and witnessing the devotion to touring and sharing the great musical legacy with the people of the world who love this band. That said Chris suggested rather than cancel this upcoming tour, the band should go on for now without him. It was truly a bittersweet moment when my dear friend of many years phoned me to explain all this to me and then ask me, ‘ Would you jump in and play bass and sing with the band till I get back up to speed. ‘ ”
” I was very moved, as I told Chris, he is the reason I wanted to play bass and sing when I started my professional career.”
” My love for the band and for my friends made the answer very easy, ‘ Of course, ‘ I said, ‘ Under the banner of your returning asap, ‘ We agreed and so I’m very honored to say that I will be playing bass and singing with Yes on this upcoming Yes/Toto tour. ”
” Thanks to the fans, for understanding these unusual circumstances and supporting Yes and Chris in this decision. I look forward to keeping the musical integrity and performances as high as my friend expects it to be. ”
We’ll now pay tribute, to the band, with one of their GREATEST HITS, from their 1991 UNION TOUR, presenting, ” AWAKEN. “
PT 1:
PT 2:
by KIM SOLI | May 27, 2015 | Uncategorized

Fabricated tabloid type articles, will be written about ANYONE, who’s SUCCESS IS RISING, and WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO, therefore JUST SEE THIS AS HUMOR! LOL :)))
AS EXEMPLIFIED, here’s some stories, that might surface:
JON ANDERSON visited CHRIS SQUIRE, in his hospital room, who initiated to RECONCILE and REUNITE with YES AGAIN, after he’ll defeat Leukemia, in the year 2016, with special guest KAYNE WEST & IGGY AZALEA!
ROBERT PLANT to undergo GENDER REASSIGNMENT SURGERY, hoping that HIS CAREER WILL SOAR MORE, as a woman, in competition with BRUCE JENNER!
JIMMY PAGE will conduct a seminar about HOW HE SOLD HIS SOUL TO SATAN, with the ALEISTER CROWLEY METHOD that helped launch LED ZEPPELIN to STARDOM!
KIM SOLI to RUN FOR PRESIDENT in 2016: IS SHE QUALIFIED? ( Click onto this link, you’ll LAUGH OUT LOUD:
by Transport Aerian | May 22, 2015 | Uncategorized
Dear friends, music lovers and passers by!
With a great excitement I would like to announce that my most recent, immersive conceptual album Darkblue is now out, with a great help and support from our label, Melodic Revolution Records. This album’s creation process has been a long introspective journey, as I was drowning into the deepest layers of my current personal state of mind – to dig out the emotions and shape them into this music. Not alone this time, that is, on this album has been created together with the beautiful musical and spiritual partner Rachel Bauer, whose voice and interpretation has clearly made this work different, haunting and added a glimpse of hope to its overall dark ideas. This time the release took place in USA, but the album is available worldwide, both in a shape of physical copies with a 12 pages coloured booklet or a simple digital download.
You can get your copy via Melodic Revolution Records website, Amazon or CD Baby. I would also like to highlight that as the label’s headquarters and distribution centre are located in USA, the shipping costs might differ, depending on your location, but the costs are dictated by the postal services and in no way are under our or our label’s control. So how can one save money by ordering the physical CD? Melodic Revolution Records suggests the following: if you purchase more than one album from the label Bandcamp store they will only charge $1 additional per item, so if shipping is $9.5 for one item it will only be 10.5 for two items and so on.
However, hope that you are willing to support what we are doing, enough to prefer a physical artefact in your hands, rather than just a download. I don’t quite have monetary reasons to wish so: this project remains mostly un-commercial and I mostly consider album sales as a way to cover the costs of its release and production. I do it all mainly for the art’s sake. And for the art’s sake I believe that the physical copies, with a well-crafted design, would provide you a bigger pleasure of tactile sensation, rather than music without any physical shape. So if you wish to join those who stand for the art and you love what we’re doing or into introspective and personal kinds of music, follow this link, listen to our album and order your copy!
And last, but not least I will give you a glimpse of my plans. What is to come now? We are working on a live program. While no extensive touring is planned we do consider an amount of shows in culture and art related venues around Belgium, and if things will fall into place, Netherlands and Germany. The live line up is getting ready and we hope to announce the details soon! I am as well working now on the footage for the official video for one of the songs from Darkblue… Which one? You will know soon enough!
I would also like to kindly remind you, that joining our mailing list on the official website provides you with the access to some additional sneak peaks, news and even material that is not otherwise available. Join us now!
Now, with this news, I would like to finish this letter.
I hope you’re having a great time. And I hope our music reaches you the way it is meant to.
Kind regards,
Transport Aerian Project.